Active and Passive Audiences

1a. Two theories which are associated with the effects debate are The Hypodermic Syringe Model and The Inoculation Model. Firstly, the Hypodermic Syringe Model is a popular belief that violent images in media texts could influence the people who are exposed to them. This theory suggests that the audience of media texts respond to how the media text is presented. This can be positive or negative. Positive being something that influences good behavior e.g. a heroic act and negative being something not so good e.g. robbery. The Inoculation Model is a long term theory which suggests that repeated media messages make the audience 'immune' to them. Meaning that we are no longer shocked by the content in media texts. Some things that are negative in media are now seen as normal because we are exposed to things like drug use, alcohol use, swearing and violence on a regular basis.

1b. An example of a media text for The Hypodermic Syringe Model is a video game called 'Call Of Duty' this is a good example because it is based on a lot of violence therefore this could influence the game user to carry out similar acts. The target audience of this very gory game is teenage boys. Video games like this can easily lead the consumers to bad choices even to the extent of murder due to the extreme shooting.

The Inoculation Model has many examples. An example which I thought is relevant is 'Ted' because although this is a comedy, it shows that it is acceptable to live a life of taking drugs and drinking alcohol. Many other media texts show show this therefore society will think it is the norm.

2. Audiences are labelled either passive or active. A passive audience member is to be a follower, these members are easily manipulated into thinking a media text is good just because lots of people have talked about it. These people are controlled and a metaphor for this is being a sheep. A theory which backs this up is The Hypodermic Syringe Model because it suggests the audience is passive due to the 'injection' the audience receive when taking in media texts. This theory makes it very clear that the audience is completely passive because it implies that everyone is the same and pushes the idea away of audience members responding differently. It is obvious that this theory thinks that we would behave in a violent manner due to the 'injection' of media text we have been exposed to. This takes no notice of those who have morals and have had a cultural upbringing which contradicts this theory of everyone being the same.

Those who are active are the complete opposite to those who are passive. Active audience members have their own opinions and desire when it comes to the media. They are not controlled and they have their free-will. This suggests that are their own person and do not respond to certain media texts in a good light just because others do. It is basically just the ability to have our own mind when it comes to interpreting the things we see in the media. A theory relating to this is The Uses and Gratifications which is split into four categories. Firstly escapism is linked to those who are active because it gives them a source of entertainment. Secondly , information appeals to those who are active because it allows them to get information specific to their needs. Thirdly, personal identity is a huge thing that contributes to being an active member because it allows the audience to compare themselves with characters and situations in media texts. Lastly, social interaction is important to active consumers of media because it allows them to discuss the media they have consumed with those who have consumed the same media. Overall, this theory is clearly in favor of active consumers because it shows that consumers have their own individual needs and each need is different therefore they can chose between a wide variety of media texts which provide the needs they seek.

3. Violence shown in media texts can create a huge impact on the way in which we behave. I believe in this to a certain extent because the media is based on a lot of violence and negativity, this will impact us because we will take all of the negativity in and copy some of the acts. However, this point is not backed up enough therefore I believe this theory is wrong. Wrong because it all depends on the person consuming the media, if they are naturally violent then it is not down to the influence of the media. Suggesting that they are probably going to commit the crime regardless of seeing something negative in the media or not. In addition, people make their own free-willed choices therefore media does not influence the individual to go out and commit a crime.

4.  After looking over passive and active theories I think that the active theories are more acceptable than passive. This  is because active audiences are portrayed to be individuals who have their own desires and opinions. This is more acceptable than passive audience theories because passive audiences are not different, they all supposedly follow the same path and do not have their own views on the media. Suggesting that this ignores the fact that everyone is unique.

5. A media text that I have recently consumed and enjoyed is 'Pretty Little Liars.' Using the Uses and Gratification model I would say I like this TV show because is allows escapism. Escapism is brought to the media consumers, including myself because it is a very tense, drama filled show therefore it allows me to step back out of my day to day life and see how the characters are very different. The story lines provide many twists which keeps my full attention, it is something I look forward to after a  busy day. Pretty Little Liars also provides personal identity. Personal identity because the teenage girls in this drama are at a similar age to me, there are story lines showing how they deal with relationships and friendships. This is very relatable to me because it is relevant to my own life.

6a. The following link is for an advert It is an advert that encourage smokers to stop. It has been created effectively because it shows a man smoking in his car whilst his children are present. It is raising awareness of how bad smoking can be and shows that it not only effects the smoker it effect the people around them, it is powerful because it makes the audience of this advert think twice before harming others. A preferred reading of this advert is that the smoke shown that is being inhaled by the young boy is very bad. This would be a preferred reading because non-smokers will have a positive attitude to this advert as it is obvious they don't agree with smoking because most non smokers have an ideology of smokers doing more harm than good. It is motivational for those who do smoke and have children because children are supposed to be their parents' number one priority therefore they are most likely going to want to quit after seeing this advert. Also because the advert creators have used very good, persuasive language. For instance they say 'if you could see what's  really there, you wouldn't smoke.' This will most likely scare the audience because it is a very serious matter, it has been taken to extreme levels to raise awareness to the audience.

6b. Using the same video, this advert can create a oppositional reading because the actors used in this video only show a small majority therefore it is biased. It only shows what will happen to smokers with children and not every smoker actually has a child.  It assumes that the majority of  smokers  have young children, this is not the case. It also assumes that all smokers smoke in environments such as a car which is enclosed, this is also not the case. In reality, any ages smoke and not everyone smokes in their car. The audience are understanding of this text however some may disagree for these reasons because it  doesn't relate to all smokers.

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