This advert conveys humour by using the effect of skittles on the audience. The advert shows that the skittles touch can be acquired by eating skittles resulting in the man being scared to touch any item in fear that it will turn into to skittles. This advertisement is funny in its own way that it parallels with peoples real life situations as many people are known to be clumsy and somehow manage to break everything that they touch
This advert targets the mainstreamer as skittles are a very popular brand of sweet that are bought worldwide. the advert also combines real life situations into it which makes it more relatable to people and sticks in peoples minds

Xbox's jump ahead slogan was incorporated following the launch of the Xbox one as the previous console the Xbox 360 had the slogan jump in. this signifies how Xbox wanted to show that this product was a step up from their previous and it fitted perfectly with advertising. The slogan tells the audience that this product is new and by purchasing it they will be further ahead in technology than people who don't have the console.
Microsoft have used a very straight forward message in which they give audience instructions as they tell them what to do. The slogan tells the audience that the new Xbox console is technologically advanced compared to other gaming consoles such as the PlayStation 4. This is Microsoft competing with Sony for bragging rights

This advert uses shock tactics to provoke a response out of the audience. This advert would be saw as shocking by many as it shows a girl who is relatively young probably about teenager age dead on the floor. People in society tend to respond differently when a picture of a dead child is shown due to the fact that in society young people are meant to be protected and looked after as no one is mean to die young as its not what anyone plans.
This advert is trying to send a message to always be vigilant when near roads as the girl who has died has clearly not been aware of her surroundings and has only focuses on one specific thing which has ultimately cost her, her life. The advert uses scare tactics to warn people about road safety at all times.

This Dr pepper advert shows text saying 'all 23 flavours. just 10 manly calories' and 'its not for women' this instantly goes against the argument that men and women are equal as the advert talks about the drink having manly calories which in itself says women shouldn't drink Dr pepper. It also stereotypes how women constantly talk about their weight more and by calling the calories manly it suggests that women just cannot handle Dr pepper as it is. This argument completely blows this idea into proportion as the advert blatantly states that this drink is not for women which is stereotypically offensive and also goes against the 2010 Equality Act

Vodaphone have used a character from one of the most famous films franchises of all time to convey their point across. Vodaphone have conveyed their point using the speech style of Jedi Master Yoda from Star Wars. Yoda has a way of talking that usually consists of him saying the second half of his sentence before the first therefore creating a very iconic piece of language. Everyone knows how Yoda talks so by using this they will have an advert that is relatable to the majority of people have saw star wars at some point in their life. People will recognise the reference therefore creating an advert that people will remember due to the iconic character that is involved.

Cheryl Fernandez-Versini has been the face of L'OREAL for a long time now and this works to the advantage of L'OREAL for a few reasons. She as a person is classed as one of the most prominent figures in the media as she's famous, she's a singer and most importantly she's never out of the public eye so people look up to her and aspire to be her. Having a face like her on your adverts suggests to the audience that if Cheryl Fernandez-Versini uses L'OREAL then you should too as she is one of the most beautiful and stunning celebrities that Great Britain has to offer. This suggests that by using L'OREAL products you will be able to look like she does which most females would definitely buy into. This represents real ambition by L'OREAL to succeed as a company
I generally couldn't find an advert that suggests Reward and Punishment so I'm sorry :(
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