Audience Reception

A media text that I am familiar with is the X Factor. Every weekend from September to November is taken over by the X Factor. As much as I dislike the show, I still have to watch it due to the fact that I know I will be missing out on my friends conversations as this is usually the big thing everyone is going on about. It's a reality TV show, and aspiring singers can get the chance to perform to the best judges to try and make a name of themselves. The Mainstreamer would like this media text due to the very rare changes the show makes every year, they an relate to the show as often the program features a wide reagent of age groups in it, so no matter what, every person watching the program will feel a sense of association with the media text. Also, if you watch the program with your family, you will also feel relatable to the program as many of the contestants have their families with them, almost like a "This could be you!' moment. 

Preferred Viewer: 

I'm going to be honest, I don't take a preferred ending to the show. However the people that do love the fact that the show is entertaining. The encoders who have produced the show want people to recognise that fame and money can be achieved by anyone in the world, and that they need to let the talent release itself in order to be found. The contestants are just random people, and the encoders want people to know that, it's always forced down our throats that they are normal people. People can relate themselves to the program if they are the same age group, or from the same area that the contestant is from, the encoders always say this to us when they put them into age categories, such as the Over 25 group, and they always visit the family in their home every year. Voting in the program also leads to people feeling as though they are involved in the program. When more people feel they are involved, it leads to more people watching the program, and eventually it will become more popular.

Negotiated Viewer

Im 100% in this category, because the main aim of the program is to realise that fame can happen to anyone watching, and the source of entertainment is from the singing itself, with some humour from the judges and the presenter. However, I take no entertainment at all from the singing, I just find it hilarious watching people fail epically when they thing they have the "X Factor" yet they are horrific. I think the show is trying to belittle and make the contestants lower their confidence by embarrassing them by portraying them in the worst light imaginable. The negotiated viewer is happy to compare their lifestyle to the contestants and making themselves feel happy as they watch the contestants sing awfully. They are content with their lifestyle and don't want to change to match the celebrities who are portrayed to be better than everyone else. 

Oppositional Viewer:

The oppositional viewer of the X Factor might take the actual aim of the encoders completely differentally, which I think is because they like to be entertained differently to other people. They like to be entertained by people failing at doing something they love. People might actually take an oppositional reading to the program without noticing. The sob stories that the contestants use to get the sympathy vote is meant to make people upset, however many people watching the program actually laugh at the stories and people post them online to mock them, the complete opposite reading of what the stories are meant to mean. 

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