Dexter Reception Theory

Q1:  This TV series is about a person called Dexter (who is the main protagonist) who has been through a very hard childhood due to his parents being killed as he was a child and when they were killed him and his older brother was trapped in a shipping container where there death took place this made him in his adult life out to be a psychopath and his erg to kill people and emotionless thoughts grew as he got older but when he was put into the care of  the police officer who found him he was told to use his talents and erg to punish the evil and the bad that he finds around him in his unusual job as a blood splatter expert.

This series would be put under drama and may even be horror due to the constant death, the specific target audience for this would be the explorer due to it being a common gory drama it has that unusual idea that even a psychopathy can help people.the ideal target audience form this would be someone with time on there hands due to each episode being 45 minuets also with it having 8 seasons in total.

Q2: The preferred reading for this piece of text is that it may give the vibe to viewers or viewers under the viewing age ideas or it may scare them about the outside world.This text shows that the bad guy always loses due to dexter getting them and killing them also it shows how things aint always as they seem on the outside and that you may have to dig deeper.It could also give us the ideology that murder and other things such as torture are expectable.

Q3:  an oppositional reading for this text might be that they may see how this TV show is trying to portray that the death of a bad person is justified but they may see this and agree but they may also see any type of death or fiendish act as evil and unnecessary  this may be due to religion,family/the way they were brought up in there house hold and they even may be saying this certain opinion to go with what every one else is saying such as going with the social norm. There also may be personal experience that may give them that opinion of that subject.

This TV text is mainly showing violence and if certain people were brought up not condoling violence this may be difficult for them to enjoy a TV show such as Dexter due to it high violence and death.

Image result for dexter

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