Borderlands 2 Review
After playing the first Borderlands game back in 2013, a game I thoroughly enjoyed, I had only got the chance to play it recently as I had lost some interest in the franchise, purchasing it along with the Pre-Sequel (confusing title I know) I can say and agree with others. This surpasses the original. The simple gameplay aspect of a first person RPG (Role-Playing Game) in which you complete missions rewarding you with loot, ranging from an explosive boomerang pistol to a shield which grants you bonus shield health although losing health in the process, you will never have the same loot twice. Originally giving you four, now six, playable characters who have unique abilities from each other and also having their own skill trees gives the player the freedom to create whatever character set they like. Borderlands 2's additions further increase the play-ability of the game as you given slight character customisation with colour schemes and heads, perhaps offering the "completionists" chance to find every single customisation item. A big addition was the "Badass Rank" system which rewards players for completing challenges as they play along.
Target Audience: In my opinion there isn't really a specific target audience as it can appeal to anyone in some aspect however if I had to label its audience it'd perhaps be 13-21 year olds just wanting a game they don't have to play entirely in one session or they'll forget rather you can play it every so often and enjoy as much as the "hardcore" player.
People may consume this text as they may like the art style used by Gearbox to create a cartoon, distinct look from other games, Other reasons perhaps may be that they are a fan of the FPS(First Person Shooter) type of games and can instantly enjoy that aspect, maybe due to the game they may also enjoy RPG's due to simply playing this game.
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