Passive and Active Audience

 Passive and Active Audience
1. a) Name two theories which are associated with the effects debate 
The desensitisation model is the theory that the audience gains an immunity to a type or style of media with shocking or surprising connotations or messages. An example of this would be the repetitive use of bombings in African countries such as Syria, Egypt and Iraq. After consuming this media for a certain amount of time, it is assumed that the audience has gained a sort of immunity.

The opposing theory is the Sensitisation model, that theorises that as the audience consumes the media, it becomes more effected. So, if the media shows excessive amount of media with surprising or shocking connotations, ideologies or messages then the audience is then more effective as if a layer of skin is removed and they are more vulnerable to that specific type of media. Such as the use of children in war torn countries making it more shocking to see just how many people are effected.

2. With reference to examples, explain the differences between ‘active’ and ‘passive’ audience reception.

The active audience is shown to have an effect on the media whereas a passive audience is shown to be rendered incapable. For both of my examples used, I believe that the audience is passive for both. The reaction may be recorded on social media and people may be outraged in the public however I still believe they have no effect on the media as it is still produced.

3. How far do you think that violence on television causes violent behaviour?
I believe that it isn't what the media does with its audience but what the audience does with its media. The media isn't the problem, its the people who access it. However, the media does inspire but I don't believe it is the source of violence.

4. Are active audience theories more acceptable than passive audience theories? Give reasons for your answers.
I believe that active audience theories are more acceptable as passive audience theories count the audience and the public as a general mass who are unable to make self conscious decisions. Also, active audience theories see the audience as people who can impact the media which is true, however it is not always used because the audience may not be 'caring' enough to be outraged.

5. Choose a media text which you particularly like and apply the ‘Uses and Gratifications’ theory to explain why you enjoy it so much.

Mafia III for me is a game for escapism and entertainment as it uses music I enjoy to listen to, has gameplay that I enjoy and a dramatic storyline that I find gripping. I also see it as a media text I consume for social interaction as it is a game I enjoy talking about to my friends and explaining the plot line and talking about video games in general. I also could apply it to Information and Surveillance as it gives me an insight into 1960's America.

6. Find an advertisement online, in a magazine or in a newspaper.

The advert i have chosen is an advert about drugs and awareness. The company is Frank, a drug awareness company about helping addicts and underaged to stay away from the deadly habit.
The preferred reading, is that its a humorous ad that covers over a darker message about a problem that effects the UK.
The oppositional reading may be that drug jokes and humour is not something to be joked about as it is a serious problem and shouldn't be undermined as a silly joke for an ad campaign.

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