Michael Jackson - Thriller

Genre: 80's pop

Visual style / Mise-en-scene

The camera is used in thriller in a multitude of ways, firstly when the girl is being chased by the zombies, there are many close up shots, this is a way so the character can express their feelings without the use of dialogue also wide shots are used so all the zombies are in the shot, giving you a sense of terror as the shear amount of them is made bigger by the angle of the shot.

Narrative including techniques used

It is a story of a man who is being terrorised by zombies and eventually becomes one himself, he is then drawn to his girlfriend who is then plagued by the zombies this story is also told by the lyrics:

"The foulest stench is in the air, The funk of forty thousand years, And grizzly ghouls from every tomb, Are closing in to seal your doom, And though you fight to stay alive, Your body starts to shiver, For no mere mortal can resist, The evil of the thriller"
This is explaining the story of how it came and what the zombies are hear for, they are using a shock factor as they are giving you an impending sense of doom.

Unconventional / Conventional

This music video is definitely unconventional, it was the first music video of its kind, it was labeled the king of music video and many music video are often inspired by this one,the choreography was great as everyone was on spot and mover like a zombie which gives it a sense of realism.


  1. - it covers the main points (the narrative, types of camera shots, wether it is conventional, etc.)
    - it lacks certain details such as outlining the unique features of the video, looking at both the best and the worst aspects or listing any genre conventions to help back up their claim that it is unconventional

    -things it could of brought up:
    -the use of a horror narrator at certain points in the song
    -mention of other elements such as lighting, costume design or editing

    also you may want to correct a few typos
    "wide shits", "first is used", "there is a story of a man" (just change there to this), instead of shear you should of used sheer as they both have separate meanings.
    there are few others so just do a quick check
    (sorry for being a grammar nazi)

  2. Mention the horror aspect to it. Many people actually found this video scary when it was released as it is quite intimidating.
    Its different and takes 13 minutes to tell a story which is long for a music video


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