Ethos and aims of the BBFC:
  • Protect the public (children) from harm.
  • Empower the public.
  • Respect freedom of choice.
  • Have an effective enforcement of the certificates given to films and accurate justification for this.
  • Reflect social change and opinion throughout their work.
How decisions on films are made:
  • Two examiners will view a film and usually the senior examiner will confirm recommendations, if in disagreement the work will be seen by other examiners at a higher level and even go to the director and presidential team.
Issues that must be considered when classifying a film:
  • Drugs.
  • Sex.
  • Nudity.
  • Violence.
  • Dangerous behaviour.
  • Discrimination.
  • Language.
  • Horror/Threat.
  • Context of the work.
  • Themes of the work.
  • Impact on audience.
After decision is made:
  • Age rating that is on DVD's and Blu-ray's can be more strict whereas in the cinema it is more lenient as the rate of underage viewing is much higher at home.
How to achieve a 15 certificate:
  • Must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviours but can show racism, homophobia and other themes like them.
  • Drug use can be shown but must not promote drug use.
  • Dangerous behaviour such as suicide must not be dwelled on and weapon use will depend on realism, setting and context.
  • Strong language may be used and very strong language may be permitted.
  • Nudity is acceptable in non-sexual and education films. Also acceptable in sexual films but minimal detail.
  • Sexual activity can be shown but without detail. Strong verbal references, work that aims to stimulate and sexually arouse will also be accepted.
  • Sadistic or sexual threat unacceptable but horror and threat is acceptable.
  • Violence may be strong but pain must not be dwelled on, gory and sadistic is not accepted. Sexual violence must be discreet and correct for context.
How to achieve a 18 certificate:
  • Violence is extremely strong.
  • Frequent use of strong language such as the F word.
  • Very strong language also accepted such as then C word.
  • Discriminatory language and behaviour acceptable.
  • Strong horror as well as blood and gore.
  • Sexual violence acceptable.
  • Strong sexual portrayal and even real sex can be shown in some cases.
Impact of regulation on films and film making:
  • Directors may have to alter the film the originally had in mind if they want to gain a certain certificate as the lower the rating the more audience types it will reach. Therefore a director who's film portrayed strong sexual activity and very strong language may have to change the film so that it could be a 15 rather than an 18. The revenue for the film can be significantly reduced if the film does reach a certificate of 18 so the aim is for a lower certificate which could result in scene changes or scene cuts.
Slumdog Millionaire - 15 rating:
  • There is occasional use of the F word in english and also untranslated in Hindi.
  • Strong violence does occur in the film, (group of Muslims attacked and beaten, a shooting, man set on fire, blinding of a young boy and repeated scenes of torture).
  • Sex working is also eluded to as well as small elements of nudity.
Changes to Slumdog Millionaire to make it a 12a:
  • Scenes of strong violence could have been cut from the film or have been toned down to meet the guidelines of a 12a.
Why weren't these changes made:
  • If these changes were made then the film would not be as real, the film is based on Jamal's tough childhood so if these scenes were not shown in the detail that they were the audience would have never understood the true impact of Jamal's childhood. In addition to this the film is complex so an age rating of 15 is more understandable as the film may not have been fully understood by audience members aged 12, and even if they did understand it, it may not have the impact it intended to have. The gory violence of this film encourage the audience to empathise with Jamal and understand his hellish childhood as well as teen years as he enters into adulthood, therefore having an audience who are not adults themselves would not allow them to relate to Jamal quite like a 15 year old might. This film could also be considered social realism and for that to be the case then the film must be gritty and harsh meaning it had no option to change as it wanted to highlight these things in the themes of the film.
Pride - 15 rating: 
  • There is occasional strong language such as the F word. As well as many terms that are discriminatory "queer", "dyke" etc. 
  • Verbal and visual sex referred to frequently. There are strong sexual references and brief nudity but is used for comedic elements. 
  • There is drug use (smoking joints). 
  • Minor violence shown such as the miners and police fight and a brick is thrown through the book shop window. 
American rating for Pride: 
  • R rating, meaning no one under the age of 17 could view it, unless they have an adult with them. 
  • It was seen that due to the film expressing homosexuality as being unfit for under 17's.  
  • People said there is enough homophobia in the world without manufacturing any more.
  • It is basically saying that people under the age of 17 shouldn't be allowed to see homosexuality so is quite discriminatory. 
How important is the role of the BBFC and is it outdated?:
  • I think it is important as it does try and protect people from viewing things that could potentially harm them or have a negative effect.
  • However it may be outdated as topics like sex are no longer taboo subjects. 

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