Cosmpolitan Cover

The masthead of the magazine is prominent on the cover yet we can't see all of it due to the main image over lapping the middle of the title however, Cosmopolitan is already famously well known therefore we can still gather what magazine it is even if the model of the cover over laps it because of how iconic it is in the magazine industry.

The magazine cover is covered in cover lines filled with things predominantly aimed at the female audience. The main cover lines are 'The New Kardashian Mogul' because the model featured in the cover is Kylie Jenner, the youngest Kardashian and 'Look sexy now'.

The main image is of Kylie Jenner to emphasise the main topic of the magazine is going to be about here and also to show her fashion she is wearing as we can nearly see her whole body.

The magazine is arranged in a way to show hat is packed with gossip and articles to read about as there are a lot of cover lines on ranging from 'Look Sexy Now' to 'Steps to figure out your future faster'.

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