Magazine front cover - TV Choice


The colours that they have used are eye catching colours, they stand out to people who want to buy a magazine, and don't target any specific gender with the choice of colours, showing that they're targeting both male and females. Red is a very dominant colour, which usually represents danger, and along with the main headline of "Our DARKEST HOUR", shows the audience that what happening tis week on TV wont be positive news. The font type represents boldness, but the letters "tv" look to be joining up, and is often the slang version of the word "television" but a slang word that everyone is familiar with in life. The use of joining the letters up makes it seem that the word has been created by a person, rather than a computer, possibly giving a personal connection between the magazine and the audience. "TV" is actually the largest word and takes up a large quantity of the magazine, which makes it stand out more to people, and people can quickly identify what the magazine is, just by looking at the first word of the magazine. The date just above the masthead tells the audience what is happening in that specific date in television, giving the audience a feeling of what is to come on soap operas, and other TV shows. 

The main Image:

The main image is of two actors, playing Steve and Michelle, who ave different facial expressions than each other. Michelle, on the right, has the face of sadness, she's evidently upset by something, and she is clearly upset with what has happened in her life. She looks vulnerable, and looks like she has just been through visibly distressing time. However, Steve, on the left, is not as sad as Michelle is, almost looking very menacing, and looks like he may be the cause of something that is bad towards the Michelle, as he isn't sad, or upset compared to Michelle. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs says that the audience need to be satisfied of safety needs in a media text, the audience can identify that it looks like Michelle is not safe next to Steve, so the audience naturally want to find out why michelle is not safe, and what has happened to her to put in her this bad situation. Two thirds of the magazine has been taken up by the main image, which will stand out to the audience as the bigger the image, the more likely they are to see them, and what to read more about them. The shot is of a close up/medium close up of the pair, with no visible background in sight, perhaps representing how isolated they are due to the news they have just received. The clothes they are wearing represents something the audience as well. Michelle is wearing a pink shirt, pink representing to the audience feminine, or vulnerability, as typically, men are stronger than females. Steve is wearing darker colours, which could represent how much stronger he is than Michelle, and he may be doing something bad to her. The business suit is sally stereotypically wore by the male, further representing how much power Steve actually has compared to Michelle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Mise-en-scene and Layout: 

The front cover of the magazine uses a wide range of colours, including, blue, green, white, red, orange and pink. The words that have been coloured in, are in bright, vibrant colours, making them stand out to the audience more than words that are just black or white. These words are all the new/existing TV sows, that the magazine wants to highlight, so if the audience sees it, they will automatically recognise the name quickly, and they will be more likely to pick up the magazine if they know the program, and watch it regularly. Some pictures and captions are in the bottom third of the magazine, whereas one is on top third of the magazine. The layout is very simple, and gives the audience that life should be taken simply, rather than being complicated, and that the magazine will just be a time to cill out, and forget about the problems that are happening in the real world. 

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