Semiotic analysis - Magazine cover (not finished)

For this cover of GQ the masthead takes a backseat to Kanye, which instantly fits into one of the many coverlines. The black and grey of the masthead look sharp yet also simple but is straight to the point of being smart, coinciding with the strapline "Look sharp, live smart". The abbreviation of "GQ" Gentleman Quarterly suggests its audience as being sophisticated, someone possibly of authority or of a high-end career path in this case, being a famous rapper.

Main Image:
The composition of the picture of Kanye West puts him directly in the centre connoting that he is the centre of attention, simultaneously being apart of his beliefs of him being a God which has caused a mass of controversy. Due to Kanye being a controversial figure there is an instant curiousity for the audience to wonder why he is on the cover, but also delve into his mindset which people may take seriously or as an absolute joke. He also contrasts with the background which could connote him as a minority 

nothing is down the middle only kanye symbolising him as a important person of society as of his music and general celebrity.
Due to every coverline surrounding kanye it makes it seem like the whole magazine revolves around him
most of the coverlines are in bold which emphasise the topics.


target audience:

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