The masthead is in capital letters and its black representing dominance, this could represent the dominance of the Caitlyn trying to get out of Bruce's inner self. The strap line "call me Caitlyn" is straight to the point, she's not scared to say it and seems confident about it, the strap line is in quotations showing that Caitlyn herself said it and its not just rumours. In the main imagine Caitlyn is looking confident and powerful in both her face and her stance, she looks proud to be a women. She is not shy about it as her outfit choice is rather daring. The reason i think Caitlyn Jenner has been chosen is because she was the talk of the world back in 2015 so people would be more likely to pick it up. This magazine also has the shock factor as it shows a very famous person changed dramatically. The background of the picture is very simple, the walls are slightly reflective and we can see the outline of Caitlyn's body in the walls, i think they've kept the background simple to not draw any attention away from the shock factor of the person.

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