Magazine Analysis

The masthead 'What's on TV' uses a very standard language, also even though the masthead contains a question, no question mark is used this could be because it resembles the simplicity of the magazine and what audiences want as they want to know the 'gossip' on TV and don't want it to be too sophisticated and informative. The magazine actually does not have a strapline and this once again links back to the simplicity of the magazine.

The main image always is TV related and is mostly using soaps for this image, the image contains the use of two women which could relate back to the audience as women like to chat about what happened on the soap before hand.

The magazines mise-en-scene uses the shape of a circle to segregate each topic to show its individuality, the colour scheme is very high brow as it wishes to grab the audiences attention but also this is what is used in standard magazines.

How the magazine draws us in, as it makes statements but never elaborates so we buy the magazine to see the contents inside so we get to know of what happened such as Tanya's Terror but we don't actually know what the terror is. Also What's on TV has a USP as it provides us with a free movie quiz DVD and this gives us an incentive to buy it. The word free is capitalised to grab our attention as us as people love to have things free and we take any opportunity for free things.

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