
This masthead is very eye catching due to the size of the font, it is relatively large and this grabs the audiences attention. The size of the font has a meaning behind because Vogue is created for women to be inspired by, this creates a meaning that women are important and should be noticed more. The masthead is the colour red, I think this colour represents the authority of what women should have The colour red also creates a serious mood as red symbolises tension. the actual word 'vogue' is short and snappy which I think it creates a statement the word can also be sounded as quite formally written. The strapline I would say is "Fashion in wonderland" which I think the actual phrase sets off a fantasy mood to the world women are believed to be apart of which is the caring and attitudes towards appearance. With the phrase being fantasy themed I think it makes the magazine cover more intriguing because it gives off a sense of originality due to the unusualness of it. The strapline is in white and this has been done to show the importance women have, the colour white is quite a soft and gentle colour which contrasts with the masthead as red is looked at as a dominant colour. 

Jennifer Lawrence is the main image and she has be portrayed through a medium shot. This has been done as we can see her full face which reveals her facial expression which seems to be sombre.this technical device has been used so the audience are exposed to what type of fashion ideas we will endure from her which associates well with the magazine itself. The background of the magazine cover is blurred out, this implies to the audience how irrelevant other opinions and attitudes are apart from what the magazine has to offer. The model on this cover is Jennifer Lawrence who is a famous actor, she has been chosen because the film she was the protagonist in was the Hunger Games and this was always released in November and this magazine was realised in December so this issued her appearance to the fashion icons. The photo has been composed in this way to show the trends being created to interest the audience. 

The colour tones alls seem to give off a relaxed and neutral environment, this creates a calming meaning that women 

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