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                                                       women and home magazine 

Woman and Home used the iconography with the famous tv presented Carol Vorderman as she is a well known tv star around the world. She is known for her past as being a famous mathematician who is well educated and and has been extremely successful with her career, which is showing a positive representation of women as she is being defined for her brains rather than her body.

They have used this image where carol's making direct eye contact with the camera wit her arms crossed to portray that she is a dominant and she is powerful and isn't afraid to challenge peoples views and opinions. This is supported by the anchorage to the photo 'confident and independant'  and promotes the ideology that women are very strong willed and aren't afraid to voice there opinions and tell people their personal stories. Carol is smiling on this photo with a wide grin and idea eyes to again portray confidence and self love but also promote the idea that women are happy and the fact that if they do what the magazine tells them they can be confident and proud like carol is.

Soft colours have been used which is low brow to connote that women them selves are very soft and delicate and should look after them selves and look after others supporting the traditional ideologies of the stay at home housewife and their goals in life are to nurture. theses colours are also very feminine and are associated with older women therefore makes it fit for purpose with an older woman as their cover star.

There is different ways within this front cover that women are being represented as well as the confident and in control of their own lives it also suggests that women and foolish when it comes to relationships and love ' same man different story'. This promotes the idea that despite women being confident and in control of their lives there down fall is with men and they allow men to take away their control and dominance and then replace it with the idea that women make the same mistakes over and over again with men and never learn their lesson making them appear weak and vulnerable in the males eyes meaning they are easy to manipulate.

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