Empire Magazine - Success

Empire magazine in itself is a huge success. Empire is 28 years old and so therefore is a well-established brand that will already have its established target audience and specific content that it gives the audience. Due to the fact it is part of a smaller market place and there are not many film magazines on the market Empire is the best at what it does and has the best content of what it aims to show. It is also successful within the film industry as it has a relationship with the film industry, it is respected and liked as well as film industries used the magazine to promote and market their films. In addition the magazine also reinforces its own importance within the film industry such as the Empire awards, these awards show that the magazine in itself is a big deal and film industries and film stars want to be recognised by the magazine as well as the magazine wanting to be recognised as a legitimate film text. Another way the magazine is an important text and is something you should want to own is the exclusivity of the magazine, as on the front cover the main image is usually shot specifically for the magazine and is a unique publicity shot.

The circulation in 2016 for the magazine was 136,666 and the readership was 793,000 showing that people are interested in the magazine and the information it gives the audience. Empire also has continuity in the social media as the audience are always getting the brand experience.

The main way that Empire magazine is a success is that it does reach its target audience and the audience do take the preferred reading. The aim of this magazine is to have the audience interested in film enough to want to know extra information such as behind the scenes and other knowledge not only about the films but the production and direction behind the films and this is accepted by the majority of the target audience as if they were not interested in film and the extras they would not buy the magazine and this is shown through the circulation figures that show the magazine do appeal to the audience and the audience do enjoy this magazine as a way to escape and further their knowledge. In addition Empire magazine does work as a twostep flow the magazine appeals to its audience and this audience pass the knowledge and information onto their friends which expands the audience and the consumerism of the magazine.

However magazine do seems to be slowly dying out and this is the same for all magazines as well as Empire, however Empire can save themselves from this as they have expanded to digital copies and can continue expanding to other film markets such as China, Bollywood etc. They can also introduce broader content as the magazine is extremely westernised and doesn’t really focus on Asian media whereas if it did there would be a much larger audience type for the magazine.

Overall Empire is a success as it is the best film magazine there is and it does the best with its content, but it does needs some features looked at and enhanced so that the magazine will have a long lifespan.

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