This media text clearly shows Donald Trump's plan for America when he gains the power. And his official campaign video supports that representation. He represents himself as the Republican hero by saying that he'd ban all Muslim from entering USA but people who disagrees with him will call him a racist and a Muslim hater where as the ones that supports Donald Trump will view him as the leader of the US which means that It really depends on how the audience interpret the media text such as this one. "cutting head off ISIS" sound like a really easy to him but the truth it is an extremely difficult task therefore he is trying to make himself look more powerful to the people who supports him.Bear in mind that this campaign advertisement was released before he was president therefore he will do anything to get the people's vote. Furthermore, Trump represents himself as the bold person on social media twitter. This used to be much worse before he was president. He would use it to damage other people's images and verbally abusing others via twitter. E.g. in this video he said to temporary ban all Muslim to protect USA from terrorists. But does he know that not all Muslim are terrorist ? Which backs my point of Donald Trump is representing himself as a racist as the one who took the oppositional reading of this media text. in this media text, Trump said he'll stop all illegal immigration but it is really impossible to do it due to the fact that he said he'll build a wall and make Mexico pay for it which is very unlikely. Furthermore Trump represented himself as a promising man and powerful if he becomes president. I believe that different media would represent Trump as ignorant and arrogant because it is impossible for Mexico to pay for the wall across the border as they are struggling financially and where would they get the money to pay for it thus different medias is laughing at Trump when he said that.
The plain yet complex background in this magazine article really makes Donald Trump stands out to the people because the floors, ceiling and the wall looks really luxurious therefore this media text represents Donald Trump as a simple man yet he is all rich and powerful. Assuming the background of this news article is the Trump Tower with its luxurious setting for Trump. The purple tie on Trump shows that he is Royalty which means that he is wealthy and well-backed up. In this news article, he represents himself as independent because he is alone in the picture. He is trying to tell the audience that he doesn’t need anyone to be successful. The hands that the magazine is showing is trying to say that Donald Trump build his company with his own hands. Furthermore, as the audience couldn't see Donald Trump's wedding ring it shows that he doesn’t take responsibilities and represents him as a person who don’t want to be slowed down by marriage plus he was divorced at that time which backs my point again. This article was posted back in 2000 and during that time he was trying to get elected and back then he represent himself as the nice candidate however now he is trying to build a wall between Mexico and America.
n Time magazine, they have selected Donald Trump as the person of the year due to the fact that he won the presidential election even though he's a person who was part of many problems e.g. ban all Muslims and build a wall between the Mexico borderline in 2016. Time magazine has represent him A part from Time magazine, many other media also disagrees with Donald Trump's view. E.g. British Media BBC. They’ve reported Donald Trump and represented him very negative due to the fact that his views and opinion are very different from the majority and the people around the world. Time magazine has represented Donald Trump as the villain in this magazine cover because the masthead 'Time' and the 'M' has made Donald Trump look like he has devil horns and due to his representation of himself on twitter and various medias, Time magazine also attacked him because they have a different opinion with Donald Trump's ideologies.
In this esquire magazine cover, Donald Trump has represented himself as the rich person and powerful too. The evidence that backs this up is the use of multiple gold chains that has the label 'Trump' which shows that he is rich enough to buy things which he doesn’t also represents that he is still young, the magazine uses copies on the chain e.g. big D, Moneyman etc. The plan is to make Donald trump looking like he is still in touch with the modern wordings therefore it shows that he is young and powerful. Furthermore, the red tie he has on also represents power because the colour red represents that Donald Trump is a dangerous person for example the magazine mentions about 'How I'd run the country (better) by Donald Trump' which became a reality in 2016. The golden rings on Trumps hand represents that Trump isn't interested in maintaining a marriage as he has multiple rings on his hand.
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