Media Essays

Text: Kick Ass 
Question: Genre 
Essay: When thinking of a superhero film you automatically take into account the characters of the biggest comic book film creators, Marvel Cinematic Universe. Such as, Captain America, Iron Man and The hulk but also the DC Comic versions Batman and Superman. When taking into account these characters they are the embodiment of a superhero. Muscular, straight men with heterosexual relationships ,intact morals that force them to want to save their country or the world. The films that these superheroes feature in all have the typical genre conventions such as, being set in a huge city that has a high population density, but low level street crime that normally takes place in abandoned warehouses and dark alleys. The superhero is always driven by the need to save people but also his desire to win the female, in Vladamir Propp's character types , she would be considered the princess. After winning over the girl its is expected that they will share 'The Kiss'. The costumes of most of the well known superheroes consist of skin tight suits with a cape and or mask. Post modernism comes into context when taking about Kick Ass as it can be seen as more of a comedy than a serious ideological filled conventional superhero film. Postmodernism is a descriptive of the arts and culture. There are characteristics we can recognise that put a text into the category of postmoderism.There are several stages that are linked to postmodernism. Such as intertextuality, which consists of an author borrowing or referencing to other texts in their own. An example of this in Kick Ass is when Dave is questioning why they don’t have any Superheroes. He comments that they don’t have' radioactive spiders' which is a reference to Spiderman and also mentions Bruce Wayne from Batman. There are also subtle intertextualities such as Dave now having to have metal plates in his body after being ran over, this directly links to Wolverine. There is also the category of Homage which refers the public show to someone who you feel indebted. Usually a reference within a creative work to someone who greatly influenced the artist. This is also seen in Kick Ass when Dave is 'suiting up'. He strips out of his normal clothes and as he walks to the camera we het a glimpse of his suit underneath. This is a common feature in many Superman films. There is also generic blurring also known as pastiche when HitGirl has her last stand. The music in the scene is western which doesn’t quite fir the action of the film. Even though Kick Ass does eventually start to fight the villain he is doing it for his own selfish reasons which is to impress his girlfriend Katie. This is messing around with the typical conventions of a superhero film. 

Completed: YES Word Count: (Highlight essay, look bottom left corner) 482 Grade:

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