Question: Factors affecting production
Essay: When it comes to the production of films there are always factors that could set back the release and filming of a text. For Kick Ass, this was the case. Matthew Vaughn nearly put the movie back six months because he wanted somebody completely perfect for Dave. He initially didn’t want any British actors but was convinced by casting directors Sarah Finn and Lucinda Syson to look at Aaron Johnsons tape. For Aaron to be the perfect fit Vaughn ordered him to lose weight so that his costume for Kick ass would look baggy. Matthew argued that he liked the formula of having your lead be an unknown so that the character is that character. But Big Daddy was a bit of tinsel you need to get people to notice the film. In terms of production Senate company delivered 246 shots for Kick Ass, green screen composites, matte painting set extensions and fight enhancement such as muzzle flashes, blood splats and composing fire into a burning building to turn pockets of fire into a raging inferno. For example, in the warehouse scene, there was added CGI fir to male small pockets of fire seem bigger. The rights of the film version of the comic book were sold before the first issue was published. The climax to the film differs significantly to the comics. Vaughn had issues when making this film. He initially went o Sony, which distributed Layer Cake, but he rejected their calls to tone down the violence. Other studios expressed their interest but the catch was that they wanted to make the characters older. He had a little trouble adapting the book to the film because he had no financial back up from studios as they doubted the success of an adaption of a violent superhero. This turned the film into becoming independently financed. This was not a bad thing as it gave Vaughn the freedom to make the film the way he imagined, without having to worry about censorship. He believed in the project enough to raise the money himself. In 2010, uncensored preview clip of the film was attacked by family advocacy groups for its display of violence and use of the line ‘Okay you cunts’. Chloe Grace Moretz who plays HitGirl whose line it is was eleven at the time.
Completed: YES Word Count: (Highlight essay, look bottom left corner) 385 Grade:
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