Advertisements Appeal:
-          An advertisement that uses humour is the ‘compare the market’ advert. This is because the advert gives the iconic image of the Russian accent for the meerkats. This is humorous to many people as they see the little characters as funny with the wacky ideas and schemes they are up to each advert they are in. The target audience for this advert is 18 year olds and over for the main reason that the advert is for car insurance comparison and not for anything that someone under 18 should be looking for.
-          An advertisement that uses a catchy slogan is the ‘go compare’ advert. This has a catchy slogan because of how much the advert is played on TV. This is also a famous icon because of how much people love to hate the character. The slogan is ‘go compare’. This is useful because when people want to get an insurance comparison site, they will remember ‘compare’ in the slogan, which will link to the slogan, ‘go compare’. The target audience for this advert is 18 years and over, which is for the main reason of it for insurance.
-          An advertisement that uses shock-tactics is the ‘Benetton’ advert. This advert uses shock tactics by showing a dead baby. This is a shock tactic because the baby is shown so then the audience will remember the advert because of what it presents. The target audience for this advert is for around 16 and above because of the disturbing image.
-          An advertisement that uses stereotypes is the ‘Foster Gold’ advert. This advert uses stereotypes in the advert by stating that Australians always have barbeques and eat meat all the time. The target audience for this advert is around 12 and above because they will find this advert amusing.
-          An advertisement that uses intertextuality is the ‘Seat’ advert. This advert uses intertextuality in the advert with a famous tennis star shouting his iconic phrase towards a traffic warden saying, “It’s on the line”. The target audience for this advert is for about 20 years onwards. I believe this because only people over this age would really get this joke towards the audience.
-          An advertisement that uses elite persons is the ‘john smith’ advert. This advert uses elite persons by using Peter Kay for this advert. In the advert he is a dog trainer in a dog contest. The advert has the genre of comedy and the target audience is 10 years and over. I believe this because most people would find this funny.

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