1. An advertising campaign that uses humour as its main persuasive device is 'compare the market'. This is because of the meerkats who say 'simples' in a funny accent at the end of every advert. This is funny because people remember the meerkats talking to humans and because of its humour everyone remembers it. The target audience for this advert is for people aged 17 and older because the main reason for this advert is car insurance comparison, whereas people aged below 17 would not be looking at this because they are not eligable for driving.
2. An slogan that is used for advertising is 'go compare' in the 'go compare' advert. This slogan is catchy because its always on the TV and it is sung by a man who can be considered as a famous icon in Great Britain now. I think that this advert is effective because the song is catchy but annoying so it will stick in people's heads and go compare will be the first thing that comes into people's minds when they want to use insurance.
3. An advertising campaign that uses shock tactics is the 'Benetton' advert, because it shows an image of a dead baby. This is shocking because this image will stick in people's minds. This advertisement using this horrific image will be aimed at people aged around 16.
4. An advertisement that uses stereotypes is the 'Fosters' advert. This advert uses stereotypes because it suggests that Australians drink beer all the time and eat all the time. The target audience is for people aged 18+ but people younger than that age also find it amusing.
5. An advertisement that uses intertextuality is the 'Seat' advert because it uses a famous tennis star shouting a phrase that people may remember him for towards a traffic warden which is "Its on the line". The target audience for this advert is aged 20 years and above, because people at this age would only really get the joke.
6. An advertisement that uses an 'elite person' is the Walkers advert which uses Gary Lineker, because he played for Leicester and Walkers is based in Leicester which is why they have used him in it.
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