Media Diary - Text that changed my life

Media Diary Week 4 – Album that changed my life, Minutes to Midnight – Linkin Park

This was the first album I bought,  I was getting into music at the time and this had just came out and I remembered being even younger than I was at the time and they were in the charts and very popular.  I picked it up and went home, put it in my CD player and listened, I knew somewhat what to expect as they were a “rock” band but also included rapping in their songs. The first thing that comes to mind when I actually think of this album is the unbelievable scream on the song “Given Up”, that’s what I think help structure some of my taste in music now, but this whole album is why I love music as passionately as I do. It is the reason for all the variations in music I listen to, as it is such a rollercoaster of an album, the songs are so different but they go together on the album in some strange way, “Given Up” being a rock/metal song to “Leave Out All The Rest” being a soft rock/ballad type of song, to “Bleed It Out” being a nu-metal/rap rock song that we are used to from them. It opened me up to so many variations of the same genre, “rock”. This album shaped the foundations of my life as it is at the moment, its because of this /I dress the way I do, because of this I go to concerts in my spare time and get an unbelievable amount of enjoyment from doing so and because of this album I hang round with the people I do, we all like the same music-ish and all have opinions on it. Actually taking time to sit down and reflect on how important this purchase was on my life is quite a weird feeling, if I would of picked up an Eminem album or some rubbish one hit wonder I would very much doubt I would be doing this work today This album made me feel energetic, it opened my mind and made me think about how important music is. Now I know this album is nowhere near as good as this bands other albums and especially not as good as classic rock albums but for what it done, this is easily the most important album in my life, other albums have changed my view on things and how I view things but none have completely change me as a person like this did when I first bought it in 2007. 

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