The Text that Changed My Life

I think a text that changed my life would be Blink-182's 2003 self titled album. I would say that this album 'changed my life' because i heard it at such a young age and it was so bizarre and different from anything i had ever heard before.

I first heard this album when i was about nine years old because my older brother was a huge fan and had decided i was old enough to listen to some of their music as they are famous for having some vulgar songs with many swear words This album was more toned down than the likes of Dude Ranch or Take Off Your Pants and Jacket

I think this album helped me define my tastes in music and introduce me to a whole other world of genres id would have probably never have found without it. Just a year before this album was released Blink-128 were touring around America with Green Day on the Pop Disaster Tour and because of this my brother also became interested in Green Day and let me listen to some of their songs too.I then became a huge fan of Green Day and became infatuated with their music and took it upon myself to find more bands that sounded like they did.

Listening to Blink-182 at such a young age shaped my taste in music, the way i look for new artists to listen to, the way i listen and appreciated music and has introduced me to many of bands of similar genres/bands that have been influenced by Blink-182. I also think, as cheesy as it sounds that this band helped me 'find myself' and helped me develop a real personality and find friends with the same interests.

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