Media Evaluation Part 2

Using Fiske and Hartley’s: ‘Audience Profiling’ method, I can assume the typical audience member for my music video would be somebody of a younger demographic, most likely between the ages of 14 and 25. This is due to the fast pace of the shots giving it an unusual style which the majority of people from an older demographic would not appreciate. Education would be anything above a high-school standard and location would be mostly from the UK or America. Other subjectivities such as, race, religion or gender are irrelevant to the audience member of my music video.
Using Young and Rubicam’s 4C’s model I can assume the typical audience member could be classified under the Explorer category. This is due to their nature of searching for new or challenging things. My video is fast paced and almost confusing in its narrative, with flashbacks throughout. This gives the video challenging qualities.

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