Audience Classification

-The Mainstreamer: People who fall under this classification have a core need in life which is security. By security I mean they want to feel safe within society so this means they'll watch programmes or listen to the same music as the majority so they can fit in and engage with other main-streamers. Examples of a text that would appeal to this classification would be Britain's Got Talent, Big Brother or The X Factor. All three of these TV shows have a lot of attention from the media. Each show is on at different times in the year so the main-streamer would typically talk about one of these in their everyday life whether the show is being aired or not. These shows will also have countdowns, advertisements and rumours before or after being aired which entices the main-streamer too and allows them to bring it all to discussion with another typical main-streamer.

I believe Big Brother would most likely appeal to a 'groupie' because they want to be accepted by everybody around them and there's a high chance everybody around them watches Big Brother regularly,so it is just the "norm". 

-The Succeeder: Succeeder's are often known to seek reward and occupy positions of responsibility in society. They tend to have great amounts of self-confidence and only aspire to be the best. They're big believers in thinking they deserve it. A good example of a TV show for succeeder's would be Dragon's Den and this is appealing to them because their essential in life is to be in control, this TV show allows them to do so by them deciding if a business entrepreneur is strong enough to receive help and money. Succeeder's would most likely enjoy this sort of programme as they would be able to relate to the business clients who visit the show and would also like to criticize their ideas.

Dragon's Den is most probably watched by 'cowboys' or 'egoists' as these lifestyle categories insist on the watcher being only interested in themselves and wanting to make money easily and quickly. The categories fit the TV show as people are selling their business that they're interested in themselves and want money from the Dragon's so they can succeed. 

-The Aspirer: An aspirer's key need in life is for a status, and they're concious of how others perceive them rather than how they value themselves. As a result, their appearance is very important to them and they respond to, what others perceive as, a superficial image. America's Next Top Model is a good example as to the media aspirer's would consume, this is because the show represents fashion and attractiveness. Two things in which this audience classification would love. The TV show America's Next Top Model has models posing, being photo-shopped and getting dolled up for their photo shoots with make up and extravagant hair; everything the aspirer wants. 

The audience of America's Next Top Model would be predominantly 'trendies' and 'groupies'. I think this because they want to be accepted by everyone and receive attention and admiration for all they do. By watching this TV show the audience would learn to value their selves more and would feel more secure as society would accept it.

-The Explorer: People who are under the explorer audience classification love to discover, it is their main need in life. They're always looking for new challenges and won't settle for just anything. A text the explorer would enjoy watching the film Inception this is because the film is filled with ambiguity and questions. Every person has their own take on the ending so that's why I think an explorer would enjoy this piece of text as they're able to discover their own ending. There aren't many other films like this, especially successful ones so this would appeal to the explorer too due to them seeking difference.

People likely to watch Inception would be 'drifters' because they aren't entirely sure what they want to do in their life so they're still discovering it as well as uncovering other things. In this case the audience could also be 'puritans' because they will feel like they've done their duty when they've discovered the meaning from the ending of the film Inception, from their own perspective

-I think these categories are useful as audiences are defined into seven groups, but surely not everybody definitely fits into one category. There are definitely individuals who fall into several categories  It helps advertisers and companies easily identify their audience and understand their needs in one text. I suppose in some ways we all, as individuals, have elements of each category.

-A show on TV right now is Emmerdale. The typical profile for somebody watching this is most likely to be a woman and perhaps elderly too. I think this because Soaps are often juicy and full of gossip and older women are often known as liking this type of show. I'd like to imagine the woman to have children and to be of working class. She would be White British and wouldn't have the most exciting job in the entire world, so she likes to go home and watch people on a TV show with a more joyful, exciting life. She would be Catholic but not a heavy believer, just enough to be able to relate to certain episodes of the show. 

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