Defining/Classifying Audiences.

a) The Mainstream - The largest group withing the 4C'S, with the needs in like aimed towards security, are the people categorised as 'Mainstream'. If a daily routine is essential to your lifestyle, and you respond to family brands, then you're most likely under this category. An example of this would be the Disney Pixar Film, Monsters Inc. 2. I believe this film was created to entertain familys, which is what a Mainstream would want. This is a good example, becuase it's the second of a first Monsters inc. film to be created, which means if you enjoyed the first movie, you can trust the second is up to it's respected standards. Also, Disney Pixar is a well know family brand, which this group of people would aspire to, due to their core need in life being security, and the Family brand being trusted.

The Aspirer - If you're driven by other peoples views of you, rather than how you see your own values, and have a core need in life for Ststus, you're most probably an Aspirer. Aspirers respond to what other people may see as Superficial. For example, they look out for image, apperarence, persona, charisma and fashion, as well as the contents in a person. For these reasons, I thing the TV series America's Next Top Model would be a suitable choice to match their media needs. I have decided to pick this, because the programme is all about how to keep up with the latest trends, and how to look your best. It enourages them to be materialistic, and reminds them that image counts, with the programme involving perfect air-brushed models, which is everything an Aspirer would be about.

The Succeeder - This category of audience have a strong goal orientation, with tendency's to occupy positions of responsibility in life. From brands, they seek rewards, as well as the best, as they feel they deserve it. They strive for control in life, as this is their main need. Due to this, I believe business newspapers and magazines would be suitable. For example, 'Business Insider', because it includes information on how to make money, and gives information from other Business men. Expanding on the thoughts from other Business men, the succeeder will be able to relate to what's being said, therefore making the magazine more relatable.

The Explorer - In my opinion, I think that the Series 'Kyle XY' would be most appropriate for anyone involved in this category. The show isn't very popular, so with their main core need in life being discovery, it gives them a chance to try something new. The series was created with satisfied intentions of having a boy who isn't particularly human, forgetting his past, and goes on a journey to figure out who he is, with drama throughout. After watching this unique show myself, I think it's suited to this category, and if I was to recommend it to anyone, it would be to an Explorer. Furthermore, with their traits to seek difference, and be the first to try out new experiences, this is a excellent example, giving them sensations and an instant effect of satisfaction.

b) In my personal opinion, I think the idea of having society split into these seven gorups is very useful to help with the Media. Although people can fall under more than one category, It gives different Media texts a better idea at who to base their porducts towards. For example, the Vogue magazine is aimed towards The Aspirers, so having this catergory, and know that they're all about image and persona makes it easier for the magazine to develope and promote. Also, The Mainstream is accurate, as it represents the majority of society. This could be because most people nowadays are more than likely to follow the crowd, with a fear of individuality and standing out.

c) A popular programme which occurs on TV every weekend through the season of Autumn to Winter, would be The X-Factor. It is a Series where people can apply to audition on a show and sing, with hope to getting into the live shows near the end of the programme. For this reason, I think this would mainly be aimed towards teenagers around the ages of 16./17. I think the stereotypical view of this show would be a young teenager, with interests in Music. Of the Seven categories in the 4C's. I'd thnk they would belong under The Mainstream group, as they would more thank likely watch it with their family. Also, I'd think that the majority of viewers would be female, as males seem to be uninterested in this programme, and become bored of it very quickly.

d) Unsure of what category a viewer of 'Monsters Inc. 2' would fit in, I decided that they're be best labeled as a Drifter. This is mainly because they don't know what they want from life, and so by watching the film, they'll probably gain nothing from it other than entertainment. I think that anyone who watches 'America's Next Top Model' would be categorized as a Groupie or a Trendie. I based this on the fact that they show will give them ideas on how to be accepted by others, as well as the hope that they'd receive admiration from their peer group. Someone who reads 'Business Insider' is most likely going to also be a Cowboy, as well as a Succeeder, because by reading the magazine, they'll be given ideas on how to make money fast and easy, which is what they would want. Furthermore, I think that somebody who watches the Series 'Kyle XY' would fall into the category of being a Rebel. I would say this because with their need to have the world fit in with their idea of how it should be, the show provides them with a unique, different view of the world. Lastly, if someone was to watch The X-Factor, I also believe that they would be labeled as a Groupie. They would use the show to socialize, and fit in with the people around them who would've also watched the show, and be talking about it the next day.


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