Classifying audiences

The Mainstream: For the people who follow the mainstream in media are apart of its audience, their main aim in life is to achieve security. This doesn't mean being locked away or setting passwords, but security to know that they fit in to the society they're in. I've chosen this text as I think that it's a good example of what would appeal to the main streamers, this being how I met your mother. This is because it is something that is very big and popular and ended only recently and that a lot of people would talk about the show. Because this show is very popular alot of people form the mainstream audience (which is the largest group of people within the 4Cs) would be able to talk about this show. Even still after it's big impact on people with it's end people will still gladly talk about the jokes, characters and stories what had happened throughout the course of watching it. This is why a mainstreamer would watch this show as it's very popular and will want to to be secure in society.

The Succeeder: The succeeder's are the people who always want the best that they can get their hands on because that's what they feel they deserve. People who fall into this group tend to be very organised and set him targets for themselves, they also desire to have control. I believe that a good example of what a good example for the succeeder's is and it may seem stupid but the video game Mine craft. I have chosen this media text as the user gets to have complete and utter control of what happens in the world, they could build entire city's or just explore but the point is that they have complete control and succeeder's aim is to have control.

The Explorer: The explorers are people who are driven by a need for discovery and things which are eccentric. For example an explorer wouldn't watch mainstream shows such as The Big Bang Theory, where they're not original enough as they follow a big genre. A good example of a media text which the explorers would watch is The Blair Witch Project. This horror film is the first of it's kind which is already enough to attract the explorers, well why this film is quite a unique film is because it created it's own type of horror genre that being handheld horror films, where the film is filmed by a handheld camera for the entire film.

The Aspirer: The aspirer's aim to have status for themselves, to be accepted by others. These people are more concerned by other peoples perceptions of them than they are their own values. A good example of this is the marvel film franchise, these films are very successful to their own degree but some people might and go watch it to say that they've watched it because of other people's views on these films, as they're seen as brilliant movies and these aspirer's mightn't even enjoy sitting there for around 2 hours to watch it but aspirer's do this because they want to achieve a status because they've watched it.

(B) I think that these help categorise big sections of people into a small amount of groups as this can help with certain media products. But I do believe that one person can home in different groups as some groups aren't too different such as the aspirer and the mainstreamer as they both want to achieve something within socializing and they both link with what other people see of this individual. So this can be helpful but some people don't always fit into just one category.

A show what I've just turned to is Russell Howard's Good New's. This show would generally be targeted at men than over women, as men generally prefer stand up comedian shows than women do. This show would be aimed at an older audience such as adults, as it talks about the news but adds in rude and crude humour, with swearing and adult references, meaning that this show isn't for children and family's as it's inappropriate for these audiences.

I think that How I met your mother would appeal to "Trendies" and "Groupies" as this show is very popular and a lot of people watch it so this show becomes the new big thing to watch so big groups of people watch it making them the "Trendies" and "Groupies".

I think that Mine craft appeals to "Trendies" , "Rebels" and possibly "Cowboys" for the trendies it's a big successful game so people who want to follow the latest trend so they'll be gunning for this game. For the rebels as they can do anything in this game, it could appeal to them as they can make there own image.

I think that The Blair Witch Project appeals to "Drifters" as it doesn't really seem to target a certain area, but the people who seem unsure will want to see this as it's a new type of horror film and it's the creator of it's genre too.

I think that The Marvel film Franchise appeals to "Trendies" as they're really popular films which have shook the box offices in recent years, so obviously it's going to attract the trendies to such a big phenomenon in the film world.

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