Media Diary Week 1

Review: Doctor Who series 8
I'm going to review the new series of Doctor Who. As a child I've always enjoyed watching Doctor Who since is re-started in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston and from that moment I've become hooked on the show. With series 8 not so long ago we are now on the 5th episode for this Saturday. When Peter Capaldi was announced as the new Doctor I didn't know what to expect from him, my Doctors have always been young and ennergetic while this new seemed like he'd be old and frale. With the new series came a lot of new things to the show.

Lets start with the Doctor himself. In my opinion I love Peter Capaldi (however Tenannt will always be my favourite). Capaldi brings a whole new aspect towards Doctor Who and shows the Doctor's darker, more eerie side. we can see with his age he has become more mature and responsible, not like Matt Smith. I like how in the new series it's more diolog based and the camera shots are more steady, like they're focussing on the Doctor more and not the episodes. Also the way they have also encorperaed Capaldi's Scottish accent is amazing. I'm still glad to see that Jenna Coleman is still his companion, hopefully he speculation of her leaving isn't true.

  The Tardis. The Tardis' new interior is a great way to reflect the Doctor's new personailty because the colour of it is now red, and this shows a more mature Doctor, darker Doctor. When the Doctor is flying the Tardis is doesn't shake around anymore or rattle and this shows the Doctor's maturity because he is flying the Tardis properly. The lighting has become more bleak and dark in the new series. This is done to create a more tense, dark path for the Doctor to follow and the shadows reflect on the Doctor's emotions.

Overall I am enjoying the new series, even if I'm not the biggest fan of thee new opening titles, but it is very different to the older episodes, however it is still classic Who with the Doctor being in the centre of 19th century London with a dinosour. I'm going to give Doctor Who a five star rating aand I encourage people to watch Doctor Who.

Here is a trailer of the new series for those who might want to start watching it!

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