Media Homework

1a) The Mainstream

The mainstream audience is the largest and most common audience, these are the people who more or less prefer to be in a group and go along with what the majority of people are doing, this means they like to have security and consistency in their life. The mainstream audience are the most conformist group and want to fit in with society. The kind of media text this group are most likely to enjoy are ones such as Britain got talent and The x factor. This type of media i think suits the group well is because of how it is talked about across the nation and is a show that can be talked about even when the show isn't on at that moment, the hype of the show starting right up until the finale always gives these types of groups something to constantly talk about. This media is also in other forms of media such as the news and in magazines, this shows how popular the show is and this gives the mainstream audience a sense of security that they all have the same interests as their peers.

The Succeeder

The Succeeders are the audiences who constantly want to win and make the best of themselves, they also believe that successions is their main goal in life. These types of people usually have high standards and want to always reward themselves. They have strong goals in life and tend to be well organised and know exactly what they want to gain from life, these types of people i think would enjoy media such as quiz shows, these kind of shows are ones such as tipping point or the chase, the reason i think these shows would fit into this group is because the audience still have control over the answers they give and can decide which questions they want to answer and the ones they don't.

The Explorer

The Explorers are the audiences who are driven by their curiosity and their determination to travel and discover new things. These types of people are the type that always set to putting their dreams into reality. These types of people enjoy movies such as Donnie Darko, the reason i think they would enjoy these types of movies because its one you really have to get engaged in and have to try to piece together the evidence to figure it out, they also would enjoy documentaries about conspiracies as it makes them think about it and use their brains,

The Aspirer

The Aspirers are the groups of people who have esteem needs and want to have status in their lives, they usually want status from others and want to be known by others. The types of media that this group would enjoy are Britain's Next Top Model, this is because this type of media is one that is full of self confidence which is what aspirers need in their lives, also it is a show that lets them look up, if you will, to other people and allows them to seek

I think these categories are some what useful to a certain extent, i think this because some of these categories such as the Aspirer could also fit into the main stream category as the Aspirer is more likely to seek acceptance, kind of like the main stream audience, how ever these do help us to kind of 'read' people and give us different views on the different types of people and the categories that they fall under. I do think these groups help but it is just undeniable that one certain person falls under one group and one group only.

Name: Hannah
Age: 17
Family: not so serious relationship, lives with mum, dad and older brother.
Class: E (student)
Education: College student
Religion: agnostic, not so interested
politics: not interested
Location: UK
Nationality; White British

The show which i chose was one called Catfish, this show is about a man who was once in an online relationship but wasn't sure who he was talking to was who he thought she was, he made his experience into a movie and then from that started to help people that are in the situation he was in around America, the slogan for the show is "catfish the movie was my story, catfish the TV show, is yours." It is usually on around 5pm on MTV or Viva and can have reruns of previous episodes on through out the day. The type of people i think would enjoy this show are either the mainstream audience or the explorer. The Mainstream audience i think would enjoy this because it is a show that is watched by a lot of people and always gives something to talk about, it has big follow ups all the way through the episodes and when the person is uncovered it cuts to a break, this gives the viewers a lot to talk about, whether it be the suspense or the final result. Also The Explorer fits under this typee of TV show because this show is basically one which you have to try and help figure out for yourself, you always end up trying to figure out if the person is who they said they were before they are even revealed.

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