My Review: Fallout 3

My Review: Fallout 3

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Fallout 3 is a game which is set in Washington DC in America in the year 2077 after all the worlds nuclear war heads had been set off on each other creating the capital wasteland, where the game is based. For a game from 2008 it doesn't have the greatest graphics and effects, but the graphics isn't the main focus off the game as you build up your own character and give him an individual story and this is what the next Fallout (New Vegas) didn't have, as there isn't as much tension, suspense, mystery and this is why I chose this game other it's spin off. But that isn't to say that there aren't any flaws within this game as it can be quite glitchy and buggy but still overall is a great game. So the story for this game is that your character (boy or girl) who grows up with their single father (voiced by Liam Neeson), within a locked vault which is safe and protected. But once you reach the age of 19 (within the game), your character wakes up to be told by his/her friend that their dad has left the vault for no particular reason knowing that he wouldn't be aloud to return back to the vault, you get ready to leave the vault to search the Capital Wasteland in search of your father. I would carry on but I don't want to ruin this game's unique story. The theme about the story I think is about being independent. As through out the game you hear music from the 1970-80's which back then music wasn't very similar and stood very individual, as well as the game itself is very unusual as it explores a very original map and also has very memorable characters too and finally for the main character, he becomes his own individual as the user of the character gets to decide what they want to do with him, either that be to become evil or stay good everybody who plays this game gets a different experience out of it. Also another reason why this game is brilliant is that you get to free roam around at any time during the game, this might be common now in some games like GTA but the difference here is that it's new land and if you hadn't played it or watched it before you wouldn't know what lurks around within the Capital Wasteland.

My honest rating of this game would be about a 9.3 out of 10 for me. The only reason I wouldn't rate this any higher is because of how buggy the game can be at times and that it can be annoying at times when your trying to adventure around in the game.     

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