Media dairy week 5
The first text I am going to analyse is the 'Big Bang Theory' tv show. It is an American tv sitcom about 4 scientists and their lives. The tv show fulfils the entertainment and social interaction uses of the gratification model. It's purpose is to entertain and make you laugh by making the lives of the characters based around normal life situations but emphasised more to make them seem more funny and entertaining to the audience. The purpose of a sitcom like this is to make the audience laugh but this show also fulfils the social interaction needs as it's such a well known show that everyone talks about it and because it is so funny some people try to copy the ideas from the show in real life situations, because of some of the high level vocabulary and the normal life settings used some people try to think they could maybe be the characters or they name people in their friendship group after the characters in the show. This fulfils the social interaction gratification use more as if you don't watch the show you wont know what your friends are going on about and you might look like the odd one out of the group.

The second text I am going to analyse is another American tv sitcom called 'How I Met Your Mother'. Like the previous text this one fulfils social interaction gratification needs as it is another well known tv show that anyone can enjoy and loads of people talk about, also you might want to watch the show so you can fit in with your social group so you don't look like the odd one out when they talk about it or mention anything or reference anything from the show. The purpose of this text is to entertain you as it is a tv show however, because of the narratives used throughout the show the personal identity gratification as the set up of the group (3 men and 3 women) is relatable, furthermore the different story lines that the group go through are also relatable to the audience and because of this the audience can form close tenors with the characters and they could say that they act/look like the characters.

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