Media dairy week 4

'Glamour' magazine changed my idea on the world of fashion and how to dress. Before I read 'Glamour' magazine I dressed completely different and I didn't like the idea of clothes shopping but after reading it for the first time I realised how much I actually like fashion and how much fun clothes shopping is. Also I didn't use to wear make-up but after reading this magazine I decided to start wearing it as it influenced me that if you wear make-up you can feel more confident and look better and know that is how i feel when I wear make-up and when I don't wear it I feel vulnerable and not very confident. It made me start to read magazine more often as I enjoy looking at the fashion and make-up tips and I also enjoy the gossip in the gossip magazines and the weird stories they print. This magazine could have the same impact on other audience members like me as they might also enjoy the fashion and make-up tips given and the gossip and wired and funny stories in the other types of magazines not just this one.  

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