media diary: week 3

The media text I have chosen for this week is FIFA 15. I have chosen this media text as it has recently just came out and I have been playing it since it's came out.

The Income/Status model
I believe that the target audience for people the Income/Status model would most likely be class D, the working class and class E the non workers and the low earning workers. I think this text targets these classes as they have the most free time to play on FIFA, than the other groups would, as they'd have to concentrate on more work. As well as a massive majority of people in these groups will be fans of football meaning that they'd enjoy FIFA and relate as they can play with their favoured teams and play friends or by themselves and to do this they'd need free time outside of work to do these things.  

Audience profiling
To be able to follow the Audience profiling model we'd have to create an ideal audience member who'd want this product. Our fictional audience member would be male as most football fans are males. The age of our audience member would  most likely be in his teen years or young adult as generally it's these age groups which mostly play video games and have the free time to do so.

The 4C's
For the 4C's model I believe that the target audience would be the 'Mainstream' as FIFA is a very popular games making it a trend in this genre of media. People also just buy this game just so that other people wouldn't think of them any differently meaning that they could be 'Aspires' as they follow others opinions and might buy this game just based on someone elses opinion. but I believe that the targeted audience are the 'Mainstream' as this group always go for the big and popular trend out in the media either in films, TV or anywhere as they strive for 'security' in society.  

Lifestyle categories
I think for the lifestyle categories FIFA targets the 'Trendies' and the 'Groupies' as these both consist them following the current trend and at seeing as FIFA creates massive up roar when it comes out i'd imagine that these two lifestyle categories would be their targets, as trendies are the people who follow a media text or purchase it if it's the current trend and the groupies is where it's targeted at people in groups (for example a group of teenagers) would all buy the game so they can play with each other online.

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