Media Diary Week 3

I'm going to classify the audience, who would consume the TV series 'Kyle XY'. It's based around the idea that a boy aged around 18, was created as an experiment in a lab which secretly belonged to the government, but managed to escape into the real world, with no identity or  past to refer to. There are dramatic twists and turns throughout the series, including the boy having superhuman abilities, causing the program to be different and unique.

Considering the Income and Status model, I think that anyone between the category of B (middle class) to C1 (lower middle class) would most likely be involved in the viewings of this series. I would say this because people belonging in this group are likely to be graphic designers, to nurses and junior management, therefore I think they'd be interested in this, although this certain model doesn't tell us what peoples interests are, and doesn't consider age, gender, and personalities.

If I was to create an Audience profile for a viewer of 'Kyle XY', I'd say they could be either Male or Female, aged around 16-18. They're most likely going to be interested in the politics, due to the background of the series, however this isn't a major aspect of someone who'd defiantly watch the series. When it comes to education, I'd imagine someone to be interested in Sciences and math, mainly because it's what's included throughout the whole show. An active audience member would be included in this classification, because the show's not something that everyone would watch, therefore they'd make their own decision on weather to view this media text.

This TV series would probably be watched by The Explorer. People belonging in this category have a core need in life for discovery, and seek difference in what they do/view when it comes to Media. Often the first to try out new ideas and experiences, 'Kyle XY' is a unique program, which is hardly recognized by society. In addition to this, anyone who is an explorer will respond to the fact that it has the new sensations and ideas, which are unique and original. For example, in my opinion, I couldn't name any TV shows which are like Kyle XY, therefore it would be enjoyed by The Explorers, and satisfy their needs. What's more, I think that Rebels want the world to fit in with their idea of what it should be like. I would say that the series would appeal to most people in this category, mainly because it provides them with an insight to another viewing of the world, which is different to how we live today.

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