Reception Theory.

The text 'UP' is a Disney Pixar film, which is based around Adventure, Animation, and Comedy. It's about a boy who grows up with a girl, and they end up marrying each other, with a dream to live across the world with a beautiful view. When his wife dies, he is determined to get to their chosen destination, facing adventure along the way. The target audience for this show would be children, or it be a family move, and would be categories as a Mainstreamer, with Disney Pixar being a trusted family brand.

Through this film, I think the encoders want to achieve the purpose of fulfilling the ideology that it's important to follow your dreams. Also, within the film, there are ideologies that you should put other people before yourself, as he does for his wife, and a boy who is introduced part way through the film. It tells us that you should always care for others, with the example being that he goes out of his way to save the boy in the film, and the dog. Another ideology that could be interpreted through this film, is that you shouldn't take yourself too seriously. I think with the man growing old quickly through the film, gives the impression that life is short, and instead of being grumpy, as the man is presented at first, we should just enjoy what we have.

Some people might understand the ideologies being portrayed in this film, however could reject them. They might believe that there isn't always going to be a happy ending, and that we should put ourselves, and our own safety first. This could be due to upbringing, and how their life has been up to the point of watching this. Also, society's influences can have an affect on how someone might decode a text, as well as their personal experiences. They could've possibly been through something, and not believe in the idea of a happy ending, or that life can be enjoyed.

Somebody's Situated Culture might cause them into taking a negotiated reading. Whilst consuming this film, the audience member might be doing other things, or something could be distracting in the background, causing them to be less involved with the text, and not be able to full interpret what has been encoded. Furthermore, somebody could be watching this film with other people, and understand it differently to how they did when they first watched it.

The film 'Up' consists of existing for entertainment. It's a children's film, so it's main intentions are to entertain children of a young age. It uses humor to entertain, with comedy throughout, including the idea of a talking dog, an oversized bird, and a young boy, appealing to the target audience. Personal Identification can come into play here, as people may be able to connect with the characters. Children watching this film might feel like they can relate to the young boy, as he is fun, and adventurous. Also, they might see an older relative, in the way the boy sees the old man, as being grumpy, but also loving and caring.

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