The text that changed my life!

one text that really stood out to me more than any other was probably the album 'The Black Parade is Dead by My Chemical Romance, I first found this text in 2011 and being young i didn't quite understand what was behind it and what the lyrics meant at the time, but as i continued listening and got older i found that i related to the lyrics of the songs and i formed a personal identity of my own through the music. When ever i felt i had nobody or felt in a bad place i felt this album was the alternative to my problems and used it as an escape mechanism, it worked and gradually i used to feel myself feeling better about everything knowing that i had something to relate to and someone who could actually out into words how i was feeling at a certain point in my life.

The whole album is pretty much up beat but the lyrics still find a way to have meaning and make a person feel accepted, the songs i related to most on the album were probably, Welcome to The Black Parade and Famous Last Words, the whole album is although upbeat is still quite dark and sad but has a way of making people feel better and gives them a place to go to in the darkest times.

I think this album gave me a new outlook on life and showed me that its okay to not be okay and that there's always somewhere to go or something to take your mind off things when you need it. it also showed me that everybody has problems and in a weird way made me a better person and made me a more considerate person to other people. This text has a song for almost everything that could possibly be wrong with a person and that what always fascinated me about this album, it managed to attract over 1 million copies in just the US alone, this album has been bought all around the world by all ages, it just shows that anyone and everyone can relate to this album in one way or another and I think that without me knowing it when i first heard it that's what drew me into it, it certainly did change my life, it helped me out of a place i didn't even think i could get out of, i swear my life by this album and it is and always will be my favourite album because of that.

The album is based upon a parade that young boys father took him to, he believes its his fondest memory and as he gets older and reaches his time of death, the black parade is what comes to lead him through to the after life, all of the songs on this album link in with that making it to me, a severely beautiful album with so much meaning, it represents the band so well and the members of the band, the album tells a story of life and death and it has not only changed peoples lives but its seriously saved them too, its an album for everyone and welcomes any listeners.

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