Media Diary week 5

Uses and Gratifications 

The two media texts I will be looking at which I have seen recently are The Jeremy Kyle Show and the superhero series Arrow.

Personal identity:
In the TV show The Jeremy Kyle Show everyday people come onto the show from around England and seek advice from Jeremy Kyle on there problems whether they are with family or friends, like a "who's the father" drama or something to do with ex husbands or in laws. This would relate to personal identity because some of the audience members who watch the show could relate with the people who enter the show for example they could share the same experiences in the different issues the people have although they may not be as far fetched as some people are on the show and they could use the advice the people are given. Or they could possibly be able to relate to them due to there living styles or age which could be something they have in common with the people on the show. The Super-hero show Arrow also relates to personal identity because it is about the uprising of a new superhero which during he takes part in heroic acts which would help shape the audiences view on the characters persona.

Escapism / Entertainment:
In Arrow the series is based in a imaginary place named 'Starling city' and transports the audience to a new world and city they are unfamiliar with and know very little about and have to learn about it through the main characters eyes, this would create a sense of escapism and entertainment for the audience because it is very different from their everyday lives and takes them to a new world and shows the up rising of a new hero and follows his journey along the way. The Jeremy Kyle Show would be entertainment as some parts of it are not so serious and it has humour in it due to the fact the people who enter the show end up arguing or even fighting which is entertaining to watch and also a bit funny when the people react to what others are saying or when they find out something that causes them to react. There is also a lot of drama on the show due to the amount of arguing that goes on and the occasional fights, but also the serious side were the people who enter talk about their lives which can be quite sad.

Information / Surveillance 
During The Jeremy Kyle show information and advice is given to people who enter the show as a way of helping them get over there problems or to help them get by with them, the audience could relate to the problems the people on the show have and could use the advice give and information to help them too. In Arrow not many facts, news or specialist information is shown other than the factual countries that are involved in small parts of certain episodes when describing how and where certain events have taken place.

Social Interaction
In the series Arrow different events happen which can cause talking point for the audience and would be a conversation as they try and guess what is going to happen in the next episode after the one they have just watched, also using the series is active on social networking sites like Twitter using hash tags which would help viewers communicate with each other about the episodes and give their opinions on it. In The Jeremy Kyle show it allows viewers to phone in during the end of the show to either ask for advice or ask to feature in one of the coming episodes or even give a opinion on a episode. The Jeremy Kyle show is also active on social media and is a popular show across the UK which would make it a talking point because it is so entertaining and also unique because there are very few shows a like it.

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