Media Diary- week 5

This week is. Uses & Gratifications week. The two different types of texts I have consumed are The Chase and X factor.

The Chase
The Chase is a game show on general knowledge, this is often shown around tea time.  Each contestants has to work with their team mates to try and collect the largest amount of money they possibly can and therefore beat the chaser.  The personal identity would be the contestants back story. This could be why they are on the show or what they are going to spend the money on.  Each person gives a different response this is where the personal id is identified. The Chase  is a very popular programme with over 5.1 million view in 2013.  Families may also watch the show test each other knowledge. This means their is a lot talk about the show on social networking and also with an app to download and play. This also ties in with social interaction. The entertainment of the show is when the contestants goes up against the chaser. The audience can interact with the question whether that by themselves or with family or friends. Humour is also seen sometime between the host, the contestants and the chaser.

X factor
the entertainment is the singers, mostly the ones that cant sing. On Sundays you have 2 famous performers. This keep the audience interested, as they will turn in to see if there favourite singer is performing that week. The personal identity is the person back stories of the contestants. For the audience their personal identity could be sharing opinions. Another could be
sharing the same age and living in the same area as the contestant. The media keeps up to date with the contestants. The show becomes a large part of news for a few months. The X factor has a large part in social interaction as it has its own app and social media accounts. This is so that viewers can keep up to date with the show daily. Another being that the audience have to phone up and vote for there favourite act/ singer to stay in.

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