Jack Scott
Age represented in the media (Old)
Age represented in the media (Old)
In the media old people are represented as feeble and fragile and often un able to cope with modern technology.
The comedy Scottish TV series 'Still Game' involves numerous old people including the two protagonist characters. The series represents old people in different ways, for example feisty, depressed and wise. However the different representations are exaggerated for comical purposes.
The text represents old people as feeble as when ever they come up against teenagers and the younger generation they don't stand a chance. The text also represents old people as feisty as some of the characters use blasphemy and taboo language which goes against the stereotype that the older generation don't do those kind of things because in their day it wouldn't have been aloud. However the text goes against the stereotype of old peoples behaviour of being feeble and warn out as the characters in the show act child like and take part in acts, which represents them as anything other than old and warn out. The appearance and costumes the characters wear follows that of stereotypical old people as they wear scarfs, flat caps, etc.
The text follows the dominant ideologies of how old people are viewed, they are represented as vulnerable and weak. The series also goes against the dominant ideology that old people should be protected and looked after but instead the people in the series who are not old are actually disrespectful and mean to the older people, however this is done in a subtle but funny way to appease the target audience and reach the texts purpose to entertain in a comical way.
The text follows the dominant ideologies of how old people are viewed, they are represented as vulnerable and weak. The series also goes against the dominant ideology that old people should be protected and looked after but instead the people in the series who are not old are actually disrespectful and mean to the older people, however this is done in a subtle but funny way to appease the target audience and reach the texts purpose to entertain in a comical way.
The film Harry Brown, also represents a old person as the main character played by a ageing Michael Caine. The film involves Michael Caines' character confronting a group of criminal teenagers in a fight to end the destruction and violence they cause and to get revenge for his friends death.
The text goes against the stereotypical representation of old people as instead of being weak and vulnerable Harry Brown is in fact the complete opposite. In the film the character takes part in violent acts, for example torturing and killing, this is something that stereotypically old people wouldn't do as they would be seen as too weak to do something like that, but the character takes part in these acts for a good reason. The character however does follow the stereotype of how old people are morally intact as he does have a morale compass and only uses violence as a last resort to stop the crimes which effect his and others lives.
In contrast to the previous text mentioned Harry Brown stands up against the younger generation and holds his own, this yet again goes against the stereotype old people have of being taken over by the younger generation and are often too weak to fight back.
The final text is a article from The Telegraph, about old people learning to use the internet and it gives 10 ways to help and encourage them to do so, so they don't fall behind with the times - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet/11200872/10-ways-to-help-older-people-use-the-internet.html
The text follows the stereotype that old people are wary of using new technology like the internet and often cannot use it as it isn't for their generation, as the text states that old people often view the internet and technology as 'a young person's game'. The text also follows the ideology that old people are falling behind with technology and they need help to 'keep up', the help which comes from the young generation.
The selected image is a mid-shot and focuses on the women on the right as the others are blurred out and she remains the focus, she alines with stereotypes old people often have like drinking tea and needing something to support their ageing body like a walking stick. The others that are in the image are playing a card game, playing with cards is massively outdated as the biggest form of entertainment is in fact the internet, therefore this hints that old people are furthermore outdated.
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