Audience responses depends on the texts appeals, the uses and gratifications theory dictates there are several reasons for the audience to consume a text; personal identification, social interaction, entertainment/escapism, information. It can be proven that interactivity is also a reason because of shows such as The X Factor which is extremely popular to mainstreamers. The audience is able to vote for their favourite contestant and ultimately decide the fate of the show i.e they are active. (this is a good example to show why the hypodermic syringe model and inoculation model is invalid when explaining audiences). By using voting in the programme gains the response of loyalty as voting costs money, i.e. the viewer is making investments with the programme. Another appeal is social interaction because the show will be a major talking point for the people who voted and also because of social networking we are able to tweet and use hash tags to have a group discussion fulfilling the need for affiliation.
Some texts may also gain altering views when viewed by a variety of different audiences. there are three main categorise for responses; Gender, Situated culture and cultural experinence.
The show Kidulthood may get different responses from different groups, The preferred reading of the Kidutoood would be that it is an accurate representation of a teenagers life and the difficult transition through high school to becoming an adult, the audience will feel shocked by what the characters in the movie get up to. this movie is set in london and depends on a cultural experience because it uses "slang" and also uses places that people who I've far away or outside of the UK will not understand. This said there could be audiences that adopt the negotiated reading, they accept the encoders ideologies but find the circumstances to be exaggerated in some scenes. May teenagers around the same age may take the oppositional reading which is to reject everything the encoder is trying to portray think the movie is a bad representation, it represents young people to be stupid, selfish and obsessed with sex.
Someones gender is a main factor to the appeals of a text because by the text showing someone of the same gender allows them to personally identify with the character/media text, for example the NHS print based advert to stop people smoking. This advert ill gain the same response from all genders, that the image is shocking and unpleasant,however this advert personally identifies with women instead of men because a woman is used as the model on this advisement. by using a women the decoder will then realise that this could be them, there is a women on the advert so they could be that women.
Situated culture is important to an audiences response because of cartoons such as The Simpsons. To many people this show can be seen as offensive or even racist (i.e., to religious beliefs or disabilities). The preferred reading would find this funny and think it is inoffensive, the negotiated will find the show funny but disagree with its sense of humour where as the oppositional will reject everything the encoders are trying to enforce and find the show not humorous.
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