Research Log 2: 'Out of Order: A Discussion of Nonlinear Narrative Structure'

Written by Taylor Houston
Published on on the 25th October 2011

"A linear narrative starts at the beginning and reveals each detail as it each occurs in space and time.

A happened, then B, then C, and finally D.

Nonlinear narratives don’t follow rules of space and time. They can start and end at anytime in the trajectory of the plotline.

C is described first, followed by A, B, and then D.
D starts, followed by A, then jumps back to C, and ends with B."

"Nonlinear narratives often use flashbacks or flash forwards in which past or future events are revealed through memory or other methods during exposition of a current event."

Some useful quotes from this article, though important to bear in mind the article is more a discussion of narrative in books rather than on film. A good source with some examples in user comments and in the article of nonlinear narratives.

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