Media diary week 4

The text that changed my life

While preparing for my GCSE in year 10 we watched a documentary called Super-size me. Morgan Spurlock took part in this documentary which showed what eating fast for every meal of the day for a whole month can do to someone’s body. As it wasn’t important to my English course we didn’t watch the whole documentary, but the short clips I did see in class were enough to change my view on fast food. The particular fast food chain that was used was Mc Donald’s showing the affects of the fast food chain with Morgan Spurlock throwing up after just participating in the filming for just one week, he had ate Mc Donald’s for a whole week and by the time he had his next meal (another Mc Donald’s) he had threw up in the parking lot for the restaurant. After watching this documentary I gave up Mc Donald’s for a whole year, I couldn’t understand how anyone who had watched the film could still eat any fast food after that. Also on the documentary they showed a woman who had saved her Mc Donald’s meal for over 10 years, and the thing that got me about this part of the film was the fact that the meal looked exactly the same as it did when she first got the meal. Knowing this anyone could be eating food that is old that it looks, none of the food she kept had mould on meaning anyone who eats Mc Donald’s could be eating old food or even mouldy food without knowing. B The film shocked me that much that I decided not to eat Mc Donald’s for a whole year, watching other people eat it made me feel sick every time as they didn’t know what they were putting into their bodies.

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