Media Diary week 2

Name of text: Breaking Bad 
Date/Time: couple of times a week around 8pm to wind down

Where did you find it: I'd heard about the show but never really had any intention of watching it until one of my friends recommended it to me and I'm glad he did 

Genre: crime drama but also a thriller 

What is the purpose: I feel the purpose is to purely entertain its audience with this never before scene plot 

Institution producing the text: Vince Gilligan 

Target Audience: Breaking Bad would target the explorer audience type since it's offering this new never before seen plot which is what the explorers seek the most.

Your reaction to the text: this show quickly entered my top 2 shows with it laying in 2nd place not far behind the big bang theory. I love the plot, the acting, the drama, the twists everything.  

Why would people consume the text: people would consume this text for the same reason I do, it's just utter brilliance. They would also consume it now-a-days if they were apart of the mainstream audience since the show is now considered mainstream due to this explosion in popularity. People used to consume this show for the brilliance, now they just consume it to fit in if the rest of the crowd

Could some people react in different ways to the text? How?: there are people who could consider breaking bad boring as the plot runs as a very snail like pace so to be able to enjoy this show you have to have intense patience as "what happens next" sometimes doesn't happen for a number of episodes 

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