Lines of appeal questions

Question 1:

The Haribo advert attempts to be humorous by taking the dialect of children, but having adults mime it. The advert promotes the product as youthful and the ideology that despite being an adult, you can still enjoy the product. Moreover, the product can promote nostalgia. It also promotes the product as fun and the idea that you can have fun with the product and possibly enjoy it with children or young relatives, too. For this reason, the target audience of this advert would the manstream from Young and Rubicam's 4C's.

Question 2:

The slogan for Kit-Kat is 'have a break, have a Kit-Kat'. This slogan is effective due to many reasons, one being the use of the imperative. The command 'have' can be used as a persuasion technique to encourage people to purchase the product. Furthermore, the repetition of 'have a' links the words following, therefore, relating a break to the product. This instills the mind set that consuming a Kit-Kat  will provide the same joy as a break from a long day. Usually, when this product is advertised, it will be within the place of work, meaning that the target audience of the advertisement is the mainstream from Young and Rubicam's 4C's.

Image result for kit kat have a break

Question 3:

This advert would be so shocking to the audience due to the use of a child with an aged face, relating to the text. The use of a child relates to the audiences need to nurture, they will sympathise towards the advert as they wish to care for the child. Elaborating on this, the child's body language promotes the ideology that she is scared, also relating to the need to nurture. Another way this advert may instill fear in the audience is the placement of the girl's clothing straps along with the men's legs in the background, this relates to the 'abuse' we are aware of from the text. It is clear to the audience that the girl has recently endured abuse, which can be frightening. The advert is extremely effective as it will leave the audience thinking about abuse and the ongoing effect it can have on children - and that it must be stopped.

Image result for advert using shock tactics

Question 4:

This advert stereotypes men as being incapable of cooking, This revolves around the ideology of women being the ones to cook and provide for the family. The advert states that the product is brilliant as even men will be able to prepare it with ease - promoting the stereotype of men being poor cooks.

Image result for advert using stereotypes

Question 5:

Within this advert, intertextuality is used. Rosie the riveter is an icon of power for women. The reason this text is referenced in this advert is to link the product to Rosie the riveter's level of power and the icon herself. The intertextuality also promotes the ideology that the product is supportive of women and for women. The target audience for this advert would have been women - as it is products which stereotypically, women would use and an iconic woman is promoting them.

Image result for advert using stereotypes

Question 6:

The elite persons used within this advert are Jay Alvarez and Alexis Ren. They are advertising the new feature for Snapchat, allowing users to save memories. The two are both models, known for their couples travel vlogs on YouTube. For this reason, they may have been used as, within the advert they are showing family members memories from recent travels, meaning the audience may recognize them and be inspired to use the app and its new feature. This adverts target audience may be the mainstream audience from Young and Rubicam's 4C's as the app is extremely common and within the advert, their are common themes - such as family and relationships.

Question 7:

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