Media Homework

Use of humor as a persuasive device in advertisement
Image result for evian advert babies

An advert which uses humour in advertisement as a persuasive device is the Evian water bottle advert, this advert is of babies rollerskating in and out of water bottles and performing tricks such as going backwards while still on the roller skates.This is humourous as it is something that you would never expect to see a baby doing. Babies have connotations of simple as they are only young, so seeing them doing such a complex activity which requires a high level of concentration is entertaining to watch. This advert also sticks in your head as it is very unique also.
I think this advert would appeal to the mainstreamer as Evian sells water which is essential for every human to live, so to make something (water adverts) which is normally so boring and repetitive actually funny is quite refreshing.

use of slogans in advertisement 

Image result for every little helps

The slogan for Tesco is "every little helps", this slogan is so well known as Tesco is one of the biggest supermarket chains in the world. Tesco is known to be for the people so every little helps has multiple meanings, one meaning is that they could be helping out the people by putting the prices of their items on sale which could help out people who maybe could not afford to buy a lot of food every week. This slogan is also only short being just 3 words which is easy to remember however there is also a persuasive technique used which is the trick of three. this technique may have been used on the slogan to try and bring more customers in to the stores.

the use of shock tactics

Image result for cigarette packet
One thing that uses shock tactics is cigarette packets, the back of cigarette packets are normally used to try and persuade smokers to stop smoking by showing the damage that smoking can cause. It normally shows a picture of damaged lungs compared to healthy lungs or the affect it can have on your teeth. They use this to make people afraid of smoking as they do not want to end up like with there teeth or there lungs looking like the photos on the packets.

use of stereotypes

Image result for hp manwich ad
Companies use stereotypes also to appeal to a certain audience, for example, in 2012 HP uses male stereotyping to advertise there sauce, they used the line of making "a sandwich a manwich". They used this to try and appeal to a male audience rather than a mixed gender audience which can be interpreted that that brown sauce is not for females which makes this sexist also.

Intertextuality in advertising

Image result for intertextuality examples in advertising

Intertextuality is used in advertising, one example of this is a Toys R Us advert where they are advertising some of there toys. they are advertising two teddies and a boat, however they use the famous shot from titanic to advertise it, this makes the audience familiarize with the text and make the advert more is made more memerable as Titanic is one of the most watched films of all time and people would be able to recognize this shot right away.

Elite persons in advertising

Image result for bale adidas advert
Adidas are one of the companies which uses elite persons in there adverts the most, this is to inspire people as most of the people who they sponsor are elite athletes who are role models to a lot of people. they mainly use footballers to advertise there products as football is the most popular sport in the world which makes them very well known and easily recognizable by many. Gareth Bale is one of the best footballers in the world today, he is the captain of his country (Wales) which makes him extremely popular among the Welsh people. he also plays for Real Madrid who are the most successful club in football, they are also from spain which will also appeal to the people of Spain too.

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