Remember Me

Remember Me is a 2010 romantic, dramatic film. It centers on two lovers who have had been through traumatic events in their lifetime. Tyler (played by Robert Pattinson) whose brother called Michael committed suicide and Ally (Emilie de Ravin) who has the harsh memory of witnessing her mothers murder when they were waiting at a subway and got mugged by two young men who shot her and made Ally motherless.

I watched this film around two years ago and it still sticks in my memory to this day because I was emotional after watching it. What was so significant about the film is the fact that it is based on a day that is unforgettable which is the tragedy of 9/11. It is so significant because they have created this film carefully, when Tyler drops his younger sister off at school whom he dearly loves, the teacher writes the date on the blackboard as September 11, 2001. At this point Tyler is shown looking out of the window of his fathers office which is revealed to be located in the towers. Once the terrorist attack begins, the rest of the family look at the towers just before the camera turns to the scene of the rubble, and Tyler's diary. There is a voice over of what his diary says and Tyler reveals that he loves Michael and that he has forgave him for taking his own life. The part which got to me was when Tyler's grave is shown besides Michael's this is so significant because it shows that you don't realise what you have got until is is gone. Tylers father didn't care for Tyler because he blamed him for the death of his other son Michael, yet he shows sorrow when he realises he didn't get the chance to be a real dad to his son.

Later on, the younger sister and the father who once had no relationship at all, are now spending time together and doing things that a father and daughter should do and Ally is shown facing her fears of subways. She gets on the subway at the same spot where her mother was brutally killed. This film manipulated my emotions and brought a tear to my eye. It made me think that you there are many people in this world who suffer the loss of their loved ones, it also made me realise that some people are worse off and that I  shouldn't complain about silly things. It has the ideology of family mattering and that life is too short to hold grudges.

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