Media Text that changed my life:
Remember The Titans

This Disney favourite tells the story of two separate race schools uniting together in the sixties despite all conflict and defeating the racists in Virginia.
Based on the life of the late Gary Burtier, it portrays the racist struggle African Americans faced in America in mid 20th century. 

The film changed my life in many ways. Firstly, it still remains my favourite film ever because the story meant that much to me. 

Secondly, as everyone should be, I am completely against racism and this being released in 2001 meant that from a young age this taught me how disgusting and inhumane racism is as the story shows how vile Coach Boone was treated with bricks being thrown into his home and the N-word being sworn at his 9 year old daughter. 

Thirdly, the theme of friendship in this story is essential. The black team would never have united with the white team unless Gary,the white captain and Julius,the black captain did. Their life long friendship is the reason the team became mixed race, a milestone significance in America's civil conflict in the race of the races. 

In addition, the importance of perseverance is highlighted immensely in this film. Coach Boone is a top NFL coach, the best in the industry, however just for the sheer fact that he isn't white he is categorised as unfit for the job. However, Boone does not quit even when a head coach calls him a monkey on national television, the humiliation only makes him work harder and this benefits the team completely. 

The will to do what is right even if it doesn't benefit you is also highlighted in this film. Bill Yoast the favoured white coach is asked by senior management to allow his team who has trained excruciatingly hard to get to national championship finals to forfeit their place in order for him to get onto the Hall Of Fame. Though this would make him a household name in American football, he declines and loses his chance to get onto the Hall Of Fame because he knows it is what should be done and cannot cause such disappointment to his team after everything they have faced.

The message the film conveys is to never give up no matter what. The titans were the underdogs in every match faced. Everybody doubted them, even themselves. They didn't allow any negatives to affect them or their performance which speaks loud volumes to me.

Another reason why this film is so important to me because it shows Coach Yoast's young daughter Sheryl portrayed by young Hayden Panettiere be such an avid die hard supporter of American football, not Barbies like Coach Boone's similar aged daughter. This is important to me because growing up watching this proved to me that girls can like sports not just boys. Being such a big supporter of football now, I have followed the character of Sheryl to show that a sport isn't gender limited and that my likes and dislikes shouldn't be restricted due to my gender and gender stereotypes. The contrast of Coach Boone's daughter and Coach Yoast's daughter accurately represents the stereotypes female face.

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