Fashion Magazine Analysis

The general audience for this magazine would be female teens  this is due to the masthead which says "seventeen" this magazine cover shows us that it is for females due to it stating to be about fashion and make up also on the cover it has some hints of what this may contain such as with the words "clear skin & flat abs" on the magazine this is all in caps and they have used a big and wide font so we would notice it to help us notice it they also used the colour pink on a very light pink background.

The mast head on this magazine is somewhat hidden due to the image being emphasised by it being brought in front ,but not just the image but the word prom in a big font and bigger font size than masthead this word even overlaps the image this shows that this word is meant to antis the viewer due to them being in there teens and also due to them being close to prom also mixed in with some other text on the magazine such as underneath the text saying prom it states "find the perfect dress for your body" so it is basically saying that they have all the ideas for prom so buy it to find out.

The colour scheme for this magazines is mainly pink and aqua but the one colour that doesn't match is the red of the dress this is to bring our attention to the celebrity wearing the dress and that is Selena Gomez to teen girls she would be there ideal person to look up to and due to the fact that there is a celebrity on the cover would antis the reader to maybe buy the next issue if they enjoyed this one. The image on this magazine is that of off a celebrity this shows how popular this magazine is or use to be and it shows an iconic young celebrity for teens to get the gossip and latest fashion.This magazine would be for the aspirer as it is talking and giving tips on fashion and this would ad to the aspirer image and social status.

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