Semiotic Magazine Analysis

The Magazine is usually summed up by the Masthead as it instantly gives the audience a view and an insight to what the magazine is about. The Masthead in this case is 'SUCESS'. The audience are immediately informed that what they're reading is going to be about is people who have achieved in life or how to achieve in life. The Strapline then sets the tone of the magazine and is usually positioned close to the the Masthead. The Strapline in this case is 'What Achievers Read'. The audience will look at this and belive they are an achiever. Everyone wants to achieve in life so by openly pointing out this is what the magazine is based around the audience will know what to expect.
The Masthead is in complete capitals which shows a level of urgency to get a message out that this magazine is about success. It also fills the entire top 20% of the magazine therefore making it eye catching and enticing for the audience to pick up. The Strapline is done in a very baited manner. A humans main goals from the very beginning is to be successful and achieve so by calling it this is pulls people in with hopes and dreams of achieving in life.

Every magazine has an image of someone famous or relatable on the front cover. The power of stardom is the most used tactic to gain viewers to the magazine. The stars on the magazines tend to be relatable to the topic as well. For example a Body building magazine may have Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson on the cover or a Nuts magazine will tend to have a model on the from purely because they fit the tone of the magazine. In this magazines case it has Leonardo DiCaprio on the front. There isn't an actor in hollywood in this day and age who is associated more with success than DiCaprio. Being a 5 time Academy Award nominee and a 1 time winner he is the pinnacle of success.
 The image shows DiCaprio in a nice suit which make him look smart and successful. The suit shows formality and that he is a star in his own right. Theres always the guarantee that this suit will of been made by a high end fashion designer for someone of his status. His hand on his chin shows confidence and he looks like he's in the correct environment. DiCaprio also looks happy. This suggests to the audience that Success is the key to happiness. DiCaprio looks happy as he's successful so why can't the reader do this.

The magazine itself is nice to look at. No one wants to read a magazine that has too much going on, on the page and its not good on the eye. The overwhelming amount of content on the page can put people off. This magazine has the right amount of content for a member of public to pick this up and purchase it. The Magazine has a white and blue theme involved. The font that is in Blue is the important and persuasive information whereas the white in the generic information. The blue font which read Exclusive Interview, Leonardo DiCaprio, Star Power etc are what the reader will look at after the Masthead and Strapline as it stands out. The editors will have chose to put these specific words and names in these font colours as it makes it easier for the reader to know what is inside this magazine.

Every Magazine tends to use Interpellation as it allows them to pul in readers using different techniques. Magazines tend to use puns and this one is the same. Its has quotes like 'Whats Really Behind the Window' when talking about and interview with Microsoft. Microsoft are known for creating Windows and using it as a software to run computers on. Therefore by asking whats behind the window suggests that Magazine is questioning the process that Microsoft take to create there software and possibly showing us how Microsoft do this. This is also done when talking about Leonardo DiCaprio as the magazine reads 'play a role in your own success' Leonardo DiCaprio being an actor has has many different roles throughout his career so by reading the magazine you will learn how to be the star in your own movie that is your life. When talking about Microsoft the magazine has 'Exclusive Interview' written in blue. This is a Unique selling point for the magazine as this interview can only be found in this magazine and no where else. Quotations are also shown in blue when talking about Gary Sinise. These large blue quotation marks let the audience know that these are quotes by a person without having to actually read it. To audiences a celebrities own words are a lot more important that the magazine or newspaper version so by pointing out that these are genuine quotes it appeals to audience.
Magazines all have appeals and specific audiences that it is marketed to and this one is no different. In my opinion SUCESS is marketed to people who are middle and upper class that are looking to do something with their life. Someone who has a degree or is currently working towards one will be interested.Young people who want something big for their future will be interested as well. The magazine also appeals to people starting up business as the front cover tells you that theres tips included for starting a business online and just in general.This is really helpful as some people who want to start a business up may not know how to do this properly however with these tips and guidance they will be able to. The magazine has not specific gender appeal as anyone can succeed. Someone who will be interested will be the succeeder. The Succeeders man goal in life is to be successful so a magazine that has the same name will be the perfect fit for them. The Strapline also reads 'what achievers read'. The magazine is outright telling you that if you ant to achieve and successful you must read this magazine. The magazine uses terminology that people who read the magazine will get. This is like 'playing your own role' and 'whats really behind the window'.  This magazine will be appeal to a niche market as only people who truly want to succeed will read this. The magazine also uses stardom to appeal. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of biggest if the biggest actor in hollywood so by having him on the cover is a USP in its self. The Magazine does have a couple of USPs though. These are the Strapline (What Achievers Read) and the top right and corner which offers a free CD. People love free items so by finding out they have this available to them may draw them in.

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