Vogue Magazine Analysis

The masthead on this magazine is white and  has big sized font and is easily noticeable due to the darker background. The title 'Vogue' itself sounds unique and classy. Due to it being a  magazine targeted for women, the size of the masthead can relate to this reason alone. They want to represent women as strong, powerful and independent. Underneath the masthead is text saying 'power 2013' suggesting that it is a popular magazine with powerful stories and celebrities. Beyonce is a perfect example here because she is a powerful woman herself. Beyonce is covering the centre of the title connoting that she is more important.

Beyonce is looking directly into the camera suggesting that she is confident. The image of her takes up most of the space on this cover connoting that she is the main focus. It is almost as though she is in the spotlight as she looks glowing and her posture is fierce making her look picture ready. There is text saying 'Queen B Beyonce rules the world' this alone says a lot about her. She is carefree and looked up to. 'Queen B' suggests that she is at the top of the hierarchy and everyone wants to be her. She is the best of the best. Even if you didn't know who Beyonce is and what she is famous for, you would know that she is popular just by looking at this cover and the use of language. Because she is looked up to and admired she would have been chosen by the creators to get more people to pick it up. This will help with their branding.

The colour scheme works well because all the colours are kept simple yet elegant, this could have been done to represent Beyonce as a person as she appears to look sophisticated with her white jacket held over her shoulder. Sophistication is key on this cover because it looks mature and glamourous. The small amount of red text brings out the fierceness in Beyonce because it gives the ideology of women being more self reliant and courageous.

The cover gives off several messages. It is clear that this magazine is aimed at women who are young. Specifically those ages 20-30. It is obvious it is for those interested in beauty and fashion.
This cover is aimed for those who are aspires, Beyonce is made to look a certain way. She looks flawlessly perfect, this gives the audience the feel that they have to look like that. Her perfectness shames them into thinking they have to change the way they look or how they dress just to fit into society.

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